Support Access Manager is a lightweight PHP class for WordPress that allows temporary admin accounts to be created with expiration and access limits. It can be easily dropped into any project or installed via Composer.
✅ Create temporary admin accounts
✅ Set expiration times (e.g., auto-delete after 24 hours)
✅ Limit number of logins per account
✅ Secure login URLs for support access
✅ Cron-based cleanup of expired accounts
To include Support Access Manager in your WordPress plugin or theme, add it as a dependency:
composer require derekashauer/support-access-manager
Then run:
composer update
Once installed be sure to include the autoload file:
require_once ABSPATH . 'vendor/autoload.php';
If you prefer not to use Composer, simply download class-support-access-manager.php
and include it in your project:
require_once 'path/to/class-support-access-manager.php';
// Get the instance with default settings
// Or get the instance with custom settings
Support_Access_Manager::instance( array(
'menu_label' => 'Support Users',
'menu_slug' => 'support-users',
'textdomain' => 'my-plugin',
'defaults' => array(
'duration' => 2,
'duration_unit' => 'days',
'role' => 'editor',
) );
If you need a completely separate instance with its own settings, you can extend the class:
class My_Custom_Support_Access extends Support_Access_Manager {
// Override the singleton functionality
public static function instance( $args = array() ) {
return new self( $args );
// Make constructor public
public function __construct( $args = array() ) {
parent::__construct( $args );
// Create your custom instance
$my_support = My_Custom_Support_Access::instance( array(
'menu_slug' => 'my-custom-support',
'menu_label' => 'My Custom Support',
'parent_slug' => 'tools.php',
'textdomain' => 'my-plugin',
) );
This approach allows you to:
- Have multiple instances with different settings
- Override or extend functionality
- Place the menu item in different locations
- Use your own translations
(string) - The URL slug for the admin page- Default: 'support-access'
- Example: 'temp-users'
(string) - The text shown in the admin menu- Default: 'Support Access'
- Example: 'Temporary Users'
(string) - Where to place the menu item- Default: 'users.php' (Users menu)
- Common values: 'tools.php', 'options-general.php', 'settings.php'
(string) - Text domain for translations- Default: 'support-access'
- Example: 'my-plugin'
- Use your plugin's textdomain to provide your own translations
The defaults
array allows you to set default values for all form fields:
(int) - Default number for duration- Default: 1
- Example: 2
(string) - Default time unit- Default: 'weeks'
- Options: 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', 'months'
(int|string) - Default link timeout in hours- Default: '' (empty string)
- Example: 24 (link expires after 24 hours)
- Set to empty string for no timeout
(int|string) - Default usage limit- Default: '' (empty string)
- Example: 3 (link can be used 3 times)
- Set to 0 or empty string for unlimited uses
(string) - Default WordPress role- Default: 'administrator'
- Options: Any valid WordPress role ('editor', 'author', etc.)
(string) - Default language- Default: '' (site default)
- Example: 'es_ES' (Spanish)
- Use WordPress locale codes
new Support_Access_Manager( array(
'menu_label' => 'Contractor Access',
'defaults' => array(
'duration' => 1,
'duration_unit' => 'months',
'role' => 'author',
) );
new Support_Access_Manager( array(
'defaults' => array(
'timeout' => 48,
'usage_limit' => 5,
'role' => 'editor',
'locale' => 'es_ES',
) );
new Support_Access_Manager( array(
'textdomain' => 'my-plugin',
) );
Then in your plugin's translation files, you can include translations for all the strings used by Support Access Manager.
- All default values can be overridden when creating individual temporary users
- The menu will only be visible to users with the 'manage_options' capability
- Temporary users are automatically deleted when they expire
- Access URLs can be configured to expire independently of the user account
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for details.
If you'd like to contribute, fork the repository and submit a pull request. Issues and feature requests are welcome.
Derek Ashauer
My Plugins: Conversion Bridge | WP Sunshine | Sunshine Photo Cart