this is very alfa-version of this programm. it support now only export of 1 and 5 minutes time frame.
to compile and run the programm you need maven and MongoDB installed.
compile and install the programm:
$ mvn clean package
start MongoDB (or simply run start-mongodb.bat script.):
$ mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath <path/to/database/folder>
now try to run programm:
$ .\update-candles.bat -?
Usage: <main class> [-?] [-cl] [-ex] [-up] [-ds=<decimalSeparator>]
-ti=<ticker> [-tf=<timeframes>]...
-?, -h, --help display this help message.
-cl cleanup incomplete data.
decimal separator for csv-values. default '.'
-ex export data to csv-file.
-tf=<timeframes> timeframe. now support only 1m and 5m. default '1m'
-ti=<ticker> ticker name, e.g. BTCUSDT.
-up update data for ticker.
e.x. update and export BTCUSDT data:
$ .\update-candles.bat -ti btcusdt -up -ex
when programm finished a file BTCUSDT.csv is stored in current directory. content are all candles like this:
... and so on ...