bots execute on solidity contracts
What’s Changed
- We now have near complete feature parity with the Hyperdrive solidity smart contracts as of Feb 26 (
)- This includes checkpointing, new share accounting, and lots of tests
- Scaffolding for FixedPoint precision computation was also developed, although not deployed
- Python bots can now execute trades against the Hyperdrive solidity contracts using ApeWorx
- We've added a new simulation state that holds transaction deltas (instead of the aggregate state)
- Tons of bugfixes throughout the repo
- Code, comment, typing, and docs cleanup to improve readability and repo structure
- code & docs cleanup by @dpaiton in #232
- Update yieldspace/hyperdrive math documentation; fix up frida_louie notebook by @dpaiton in #229
- log notebooks in logging folder by @wakamex in #231
- Add new simulation state that uses relational dataframes & stores trade logs by @dpaiton in #214
- Locate types near their class by @dpaiton in #235
- Add Base Market by @dpaiton in #237
- Small Refactorings by @sentilesdal in #239
- Fix Annualization in Calculations by @sentilesdal in #242
- fix simulation_state test by @wakamex in #243
- add wallet balance units by @dpaiton in #244
- adds Trade type that includes a market & action by @dpaiton in #245
- a borrow market by @wakamex in #238
- No. More. Fracing. by @sentilesdal in #246
- make bororw market inherit from base market by @wakamex in #247
- removes create_hyperdrive_action function from agent by @dpaiton in #248
- move lp_reserves to hyperdrive from base by @wakamex in #249
- move update into base market by @wakamex in #250
- Borrow sim by @dpaiton in #255
- Sim state postprocessing improvements by @dpaiton in #256
- clean up .gitignore by @sentilesdal in #258
- Integrated smart contracts into sim repo with jupyter notebook & ape. by @villanuevawill in #253
- remove calc_liquidity and use initialize_market by @dpaiton in #261
- Reorganize time utils to be in a dedicated folder in elfpy by @dpaiton in #262
- initialize market function & test now mirrors solidity implementation by @dpaiton in #264
- adds skip notebook functionality by @dpaiton in #267
- code cleanup & bug fixes by @dpaiton in #269
- make logging safer by @wakamex in #273
- pricing model assert before trying to find root of negative number by @wakamex in #270
- Add addLiquidity tests by @sentilesdal in #260
- SC Deploy in ape by @villanuevawill in #266
- Add coverage CI by @sentilesdal in #274
- Add open long tests by @dpaiton in #263
- fix graph, align badges by @sentilesdal in #276
- Update README to suggest symlink instead of
npm link
by @sentilesdal in #278 - Fix market and trade tests by @dpaiton in #275
- Add BlockTime to Simulator and Markets by @sentilesdal in #279
- Separate trade actions from calculations by @dpaiton in #280
- Wallet update by @dpaiton in #281
- increment to current version in pyproject.toml by @wakamex in #283
- hyperdrive.ipynb: import elfpy and simplify statements by @wakamex in #271
- test open shorts in line w/ solidity CU-8669mrwvx by @wakamex in #265
- differentiates calc_bond_reserves and calc_initial_bond_reserves by @dpaiton in #286
- cleans up unused & unnecessary functions in the base pricing model by @dpaiton in #287
- Fix total supply by @dpaiton in #285
- Add checkpointing by @sentilesdal in #289
- fix checkpoint modulo bug by @sentilesdal in #290
- Refactor Checkpointing Logic by @sentilesdal in #293
- Close long tests by @dpaiton in #282
- fix typo in apply_close_checkpointing by @wakamex in #294
- Fix apeworx integration by @dpaiton in #295
- Fix hyperdrive integration by @dpaiton in #301
- removes dataclass metadata from simulators by @dpaiton in #300
- moves random agent from hyperdrive into its own policy by @dpaiton in #298
- moves close checkpoint function into market actions by @dpaiton in #297
- Add close short tests by @wakamex in #291
- remove unnorm_days by @wakamex in #304
- Execute simulation agent trades on hyperdrive smart contracts by @dpaiton in #307
- fix pylint warnings by @wakamex in #309
- add redemption fee and fee tests by @dpaiton in #299
- Dark mode plots by @dpaiton in #311
- add remove liquidity tests by @sentilesdal in #314
- flip as_underlying to match solidity update by @dpaiton in #317
- adds docs in hypedrive_market & renames vars in simulators by @dpaiton in #319
- removes get_pricing_model bc it's not used anymore by @dpaiton in #320
- rename fee variables by @wakamex in #310
- Withdraw Shares Tests by @sentilesdal in #324
- add bot liquidity 🤖 💦 by @wakamex in #321
- Add typecast to freezable by @dpaiton in #328
- deletes unused pricing model function calc lp in given tokens out by @dpaiton in #329
- Precision wrapper by @dpaiton in #312
- Withdrawal shares tests for shorts by @sentilesdal in #331
- Everlasting bots by @dpaiton in #318
- add ape and codecov to CI, update to python 3.9 by @wakamex in #322
- improve FixedPoint type and create test for FixedPoint type by @sentilesdal in #334
- clean up & separate MD files by @dpaiton in #335
- fixes typo in contributing url in README by @dpaiton in #336
- generalize precision threshold check by @wakamex in #323
- increments the project version by @dpaiton in #337
New Contributors
- @villanuevawill made their first contribution in #253
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.1.0