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Hyperdrive Fuzzing

Past due by about 1 year 100% complete

We have a general imperative to fuzz the protocol and find as many bugs as possible

  • invariant checks during fuzzing
  • automate deployment of infra fuzz pipeline
  • automate crash report delivery & notification
  • make it as easy as possible to troubleshoot bugs found during fuzzing
    • reduce false positives
    • write more unit tests around fuzz pipeline to make …

We have a general imperative to fuzz the protocol and find as many bugs as possible

  • invariant checks during fuzzing
  • automate deployment of infra fuzz pipeline
  • automate crash report delivery & notification
  • make it as easy as possible to troubleshoot bugs found during fuzzing
    • reduce false positives
    • write more unit tests around fuzz pipeline to make it easier to narrow down bugs
    • load bot & chain state in python to ensure the bug is in solidity
    • add expected anvil errors that we can ignore/retry around w/ warnings

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