MailKat is a MERN-based full-stack web app where users can register and login to send recurring and scheduled mails to the recipients. MailKat has options for custom as well as google sign-in methods. User can create mails, edit them and schedule the mails as well as send recurring mails. The scheduling can be done in different ways like-
- Recurring Schedule
- Weekly Schedule
- Monthly Schedule
- Yearly Schedule The Editor has features of bold, italics, image insert, print option, code view, save option and many more.
- MailKat features Login and signup via Username - password as well as Gmail Sync (Login with Gmail).
- A Home page that has the list of all the mails scheduled for future.
- A History Page that has the list of mails sent till now.
- Create new mail, Edit it with MailKat's own Text Editor.
- To
- CC
- Subject
- Schedule Selector
- Mail Body
- Send Mail Button
git clone && cd mailkat-backend
npm install
cp .env.example .env
npm start