Text::Lorem::JA - Japanese Lorem Ipsum generator
use Text::Lorem::JA;
# Generated text are represented in Perl internal format (Unicode).
binmode \*STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
my $lorem = Text::Lorem::JA->new();
# Generate a string of text with 10 characters.
print $lorem->word(10), "\n";
# => 好きな強みとを考えて
# Generate a string of text with 10 tokens.
print $lorem->words(10), "\n";
# => 主要な素質にしばしばあるまいまではっきりつかまえる
# Generate a string of text with 3 sentences.
# Invoking via class methods are also allowed.
print Text::Lorem::JA->sentences(3), "\n";
# => いちばん面白いいい方をはっきりさせない会社があっても、
# やがてかわって、許されない。人物の生きている、ほこり、
# 品位のあらわれである。文明社会は、正しくそういう立場に
# いながら、求めて一塊の岩礁に膠着してみる。
Text::Lorem::JA generates fake Japanese text via Markov chain.
Most of instance methods can be called as class methods. Generated strings are in Perl's internal format (Unicode).
$lorem = Text::Lorem::JA->new(); $lorem = Text::Lorem::JA->new( dictionary => ..., chains => ... );
Creates a new Text::Lorem::JA generator object.
Can specify dictionary file and chains for generating sentences.
$word = $lorem->word($length);
Returns a exact given
string.Argument length represents number of Unicode characters. Not bytes.
$words = $lorem->words($number_of_morphems);
Generates a string composed from morphemes of given number.
At Japanese language, words are not delimited by whitespaces in normal style.
$sentence = $lorem->sentence();
Generates a single sentence.
$sentences = $lorem->sentences($number_of_sentences);
Generates sentences.
You can use lorem_ja executable for generating Japanese Lorem text from CLI.
Copyright (C) ITO Nobuaki.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
ITO Nobuaki [email protected]