Once this repository is cloned on your system using the terminal, enter it's directory using this:
cd django_auth
and run the following commands
python manage.py runserver
make sure to type in the url address in your browser:
This is a simple snippet of code that uses the built in django authentication to bring the register, login and logout services to the user.
This is a simple video showing the features of this web app. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66387173/195411716-1723bab1-15b8-4459-90c1-38962b855e9a.mp4
Here, we register a new user using the credentials as follows;
Here, we can authenticate a user with already an already existing account
This is the success result if user is authenticated (Dashboard), containing the users username, email and a logout button.
If the user has forgotten the password associated with his/her account, he/she can retrive it by filling in the email that he/she used to register.
A link will be sent to the users email which will enable him/her to change their password.
This is the password changing page.
Created by David Ekong.