Admin settings menu option is an alternative to updating environment
variables by editing the env
file from the UI. This new UI makes it easy for the superuser to change instance configuration without moving away from the comfort of your instance UI.
The admin settings page is a UI available only to superusers on all self-hosted instances.
Once you log in as a superuser, you can find the Admin settings option in the profile dropdown.
You can update all the instance configurations listed here in the Admin settings.
Use Admin Settings to configure your instance.
{% hint style="info" %} With the Admin Settings page, you can also configure email, custom authentication, google maps, and more. {% endhint %}
The Admin settings are segregated based on the area they affect. Pick the desired category from the left panel. You can update any setting and click save & restart
(The UI will show a restart modal while the instance restarts.) Once it restarts, your instance will have new settings.
If you don’t see the “Admin Settings” option in the Profile dropdown, you’re likely not the super admin of this instance. However, you can give super admin privileges to any user signed up in your instance by configuring the environment variable APPSMITH_ADMIN_EMAILS
with comma-separated email ids of the users.
# Example Docker Configuration
[email protected],[email protected]