description |
Appsmith ships with third-party services & configurations that improve the app building experience. All services & configurations are entirely optional. |
To configure a docker installation, simply open the folder of your installation and edit the stacks/configuration/docker.env
file with the environment variables for the service.
Remove # before the variables to ensure they are not commented
// Example variable configuration format
After making any changes, remember to restart the docker containers for the changes to take effect.
// To restart Appsmith using docker
docker restart appsmith
// To restart Appsmith using docker compose
docker-compose restart appsmith
To configure a k8s installation, simply open the folder of your installation and edit the config-template/appsmith-configmap.yaml
Remove # before the variables to ensure they are not commented
// Example variable configuration format
After making any changes, remember to restart the pods for the changes to take effect
// commands to restart k8s pods
kubectl apply -f appsmith-configmap.yaml
kubectl scale deployment appsmith-internal-server --replicas=0
kubectl scale deployment appsmith-internal-server --replicas=1
To configure an ECS installation, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the ECS console and select Task Definitions on the sidebar.
- Click on the Task Definition used by your ECS instance, and hit Create new revision.
- On the Task Definition config page, click on the Appsmith container definition to edit it. In the Environment Section, enter the environment configuration as key-value pairs as shown below.
For sensitive information we recommend using AWS Secrets, please follow the steps detailed here to create a secret. Use the ARN of the secret as the Environment value and set the option to ValueFrom.
- Hit the Update button, and hit Create to make a new task definition.
- Navigate back to the ECS console and select your cluster. Click on your service to open the service details.
- Click on Update, and select the latest revision of the Task Definition.
- Hit Skip to review and then Update Service. A screen showing the status will show up.
It may take a minute for the new ECS Task to start running.