This repository contains a few useful tools for handling Klingon pIqaD text.
The Universal Transliterator is a standalone HTML+JavaScript document that automatically converts between Latinized (both Okrandian and xifan hol) Klingon text and pIqaD encoded with the encoding registered in the Conscript Unicode Registry in the Private Use Area of the Basic Multilingual Plane from U+F8D0 to U+F8FF.
A live version of the Universal Transliterator is available at:
A typescript port to run as a CLI (requires node)
npm link ./universal-transliterator-cli
# tlh <input> <source> <target>
$ tlh pIraqSIS tlhIngan-Hol xifan
# tlh $source $target < $newline_seperated_file_of_klingon_text
ipIqaD is a pIqaD custom keyboard extension for iOS 9 and later.
pIqaD - US is a keyboard layout for macOS which types pIqaD when no modifier keys are applied, and the corresponding Okriandian transliteration when shift is applied, using a xifan-hol interpretation of a US QWERTY layout. When caps lock is engaged, the keys operate as a QWERTY layout, allowing for quick toggling between entering pIqaD and Latin alphabet text. Modifier keys are mapped to QWERTY as well, allowing for normal keyboard shortcuts to work.
Klingon is a registered trademark of CBS Studios Inc.
The Universal Transliterator and ipIqaD use the "pIqaD qolqoS" font, available at:
This font is distributed under the SIL Open Font License. For more details, see the full license text at universal-transliterator/pIqaD-qolqoS.LICENSE
The pIqaD - US keyboard layout was created using Ukelele, by modifying the US keyboard layout included with Ukelele as an example file. Ukelele is available at: