This github repo contains the necessary scripts to run the scmultiome wrapper functions.
In order for the pipeline to work, the user must alllow for R scripts to be executed as typical command line functions.
In the directory of your choosing, clone this repository into a project direcotry name of your choosing. For this example it is test_dir
example installation:
git clone test_dir
cd test_dir
# initialize the directory set up with the "init" route
chmod +x run/runmultiome
run/runmultiome init
chmod +x routes/*
Now create your conda enviroment and follow the installation steps script to install the correct versions of the required packages
This should set up your project directory to be able to use argparser
and have the directories set up in the correct manner
[jd5457@bigpurple-ln1 testdir]$ tree
├── configs
│ ├── cluster_labels.csv
│ ├── qc_df.csv
│ ├── resolution_to_use.txt
│ ├── samplesheet.csv
│ ├── scenicplus-preprocess-config.yml
│ └── scenicplus-process-config.yml
├── data
│ ├── raw
│ │ └── macs-peaks
│ └── scenicplus
│ └── cisTarget_dbs
├── output
│ ├── plots
│ ├── RDS-files
│ ├── tables
│ └── ucd
├── routes
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
└── scripts
├── convert_seruat_to_h5ad.R
├── export_scenicplus_data.R
├── functions.R
├── label_celltypes.R
├── logs
├── multiome-processing.R
├── plotting-UCD-and-seurat.R
Seurat And Signac Processing of sc-multiome data (everything except for SCENIC+ analysis)
- Seurat
- Signac
- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86
- enrichR
- ggplot2
- dplyr
- motifmatchr
- TFBSTools
- JASPAR2020
For SCENIC+ Analysis, three conda environments must be made
First: sceasy is used to convert R objects to h5ad files for use package link
samplesheet.csv: the skeleton of your samplesheet is already geenrated for you in configs/samplesheet.csv
. Let's read it.
The expected set up of your samplehseet is flexible but the first columns MUST BE sampleName and path, and those are written in for you already.
[jd5457@bigpurple-ln1 testdir]$ cat configs/samplesheet.csv
Now you can fill in the rows as needed as well as add any additional meta data you would like to include in your single cell experiments. Here is an example with 2 samples and an additional meta data column cond
sampleName | path | cond |
ctrl.1 | /gpfs/data/sequence/results/naiklab/2023-03-24/cellranger/count-CTRL/outs | ctrl |
il17.1 | /gpfs/data/sequence/results/naiklab/2023-03-24/cellranger/count-IL-17/outs | il17a |
Now that our samplesheet is set up, we can run the first step of the pipeline which will be specified by seurat_preprocess
run/runmultiome seurat_preprocess
usage: multiome-processing-v0.1.R [--] [--help] [--opts OPTS]
[--outfilename OUTFILENAME] [--grouping.var GROUPING.VAR]
[ RDS.FILE.IN] [--runHarmony RUNHARMONY]
[--footprint-peaks FOOTPRINT-PEAKS] [--my.macs2.path
MY.MACS2.PATH] pipeline samplesheet
Run single-cell RNA + ATAC Multiomic Analysis from 10X Genomics
positional arguments:
pipeline Comma delimted combinations of: init, create,
callpeaks, qc, cluster, merge, linkpeaks
samplesheet samplesheet in csv format
-h, --help show this help message and exit
optional arguments:
-x, --opts RDS file containing argument values
-o, --outfilename outfile name, no .RDS! [default:
-g, --grouping.var grouping variable for peak calling algorithm
[default: NA]
-R, RDS in-file for the pipeline desired [default:
-r, --runHarmony whether or not to run Harmony batch correction
[default: FALSE]
-f, --footprint-peaks atac peaks to run footprinting analysis on.
txt file
-m, --my.macs.path path to macs environment. only used if
callpaks pipeline is run
As the output indicates, the scripts excepts 2 mandatory arguments: pipeline(s) and samplesheet.
The example samplesheet shows what a samplesheet looks like.
IMPORTANT: the pipeline expects sampleName
and path
in a case sensitive manner and all sample-level meta data information to be added to come after the path