- http://www.jover.be/2016/03/09/drupal-8-modal/
- http://www.grisendo.com/en/modal-dialogs-drupal-8
- https://codedump.io/share/Om4VeSnMkw68/1/add-custom-class-from-link-to-drupal-modal-drupal-8-with-bootstrap-theme Как добавить класс js-ом на модальное окно
Building modules with Drupal 8 Menu
- Lesson 1 - Examples module, Symfony, Controllers, and the Menu
- Lesson 2 - Blocks, Configuration, and Forms
- Lesson 3 - Configuration forms and management
- Lesson 4 - Entities, Content Entities, and Configuration Entities
- Lesson 5 - Fields for entities
- Lesson 6 - Entity queries and loading entities
- Queries
- Loading
- Lab
- Lesson 7 - Loading and editing fields
- Lesson 8 - Services, dependency injection, and service containers
- Lesson 9 - Creating Elements, Theming Elements, and Managing Front-end Libraries
- Lesson 10 - Unit and Functional Testing
- Lesson 11 - Review of Dependency Injection
- Injecting Dependencies into Drupal 8 plugins
- http://blog.openlucius.com/en/blog/dependency-injection-drupal-8-introduction
- https://ffwagency.com/blog/drupal-8-services-dependency-injection-and-decoupling-your-code
- static : \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->load($nid);
- dependency injection : $container->get('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('node')->load($nid);