Gift giving is a wonderful way to show appreciation, celebrate milestones, and strengthen relationships. However, it can be a time-consuming and stressful process, especially when trying to find the perfect gift for someone. To address this problem, we are developing a web app that streamlines the process of gift giving.
The web app will provide a user-friendly interface that guides users through the entire gift-giving process, from selecting the recipient to purchasing and delivering the gift. Users will start by creating a profile, which includes information about their gift preferences, budget, and occasions they typically celebrate.
- Frontend:
- React
- Framer Motion
- ChakraUI
- WebSockets
- Paypal API
- Backend:
- Postgresql
- Prisma
- Express
- Passport
- Socket
- Additional Tools:
- AWS E3 Storage
- Sendgrid
- Allow users to Login/Signup with Email/Username and Google Oauth with a seamless experience.
- Users sessions expire after 7 days
- Easy forgot password option
- Protected Routes
- Interactive friends list, where users send friend requests based on username, and accept/deny.
- Can see requests sent, and requests received
- Can check friends online/offline status
- Search through friendslist
- Easily create events and add friends
- Can add friends from friendslist to events
- Delete events
- Goto inner event
- Create invite links to the event for people not signed up/added as a friend
- Check progress on goal, description, and deadline
- Live Chat with and discuss options with friends
- Add/Remove(Only if owner of event) friends while inside event
- Change event name, description, and goal
- Share invite link
- Gift List accessible by all users
- Check how much each user paid towards goal
- Pay towards the goal via Paypal (Only if pay option is enabled in the owners settings)