ArcadeDB is a Multi-Model DBMS (created originally as a fork from OrientDB Open Source project after the acquisition by SAP) with a brand-new engine made of Alien Technology, able to crunch millions of records per second on common hardware with the usage of minimal resources. ArcadeDB is written in LLJ: Low Level Java. It's still Java11+ but only using low level API to use advanced mechanical sympathy techniques and a reduced pressure of the Garbage Collector.
ArcadeDB supports the following models:
- Graph Database (compatible with Neo4j Cypher, Apache Tinkerpop Gremlin and OrientDB SQL)
- Document Database (compatible with the MongoDB driver + MongoDB queries and OrientDB SQL)
- Key/Value (compatible with the Redis driver)
- Time Series
ArcadeDB understands multiple languages:
- SQL (from OrientDB SQL)
- Neo4j Cypher (Open Cypher)
- Apache Gremlin (Apache Tinkerpop v3.5.x)
- GraphQL Language
- MongoDB Query Language
ArcadeDB can be used as:
- Embedded from any language on top of the Java Virtual Machine
- Remotely by using HTTP/JSON
- Remotely by using a Postgres driver (ArcadeDB implements Postgres Wire protocol)
- Remotely by using a Redis driver (only a subset of the operations are implemented)
- Remotely by using a MongoDB driver (only a subset of the operations are implemented)
ArcadeDB is Free for any usage and licensed under the liberal Open Source Apache 2 license. To contribute to the project check CONTRIBUTING. If you need commercial support, or you need to have an issue fixed ASAP, check our GitHub Sponsor page on both Recurrent and One-Time tiers. All the sponsorship received will be distributed to the active contributors of this project.
Start ArcadeDB Server with Docker:
docker run --rm -p 2480:2480 -p 2424:2424
-e arcadedb.server.rootPassword=playwithdata
-e "arcadedb.server.defaultDatabases=OpenBeer[root]{import:}"
Now open your browser on http://localhost:2480 and play with ArcadeDB Studio and the imported OpenBeer
database to find your favorite beer.
Have fun with data!
The ArcadeDB Team