The most comprehensive, feature packed and easy to use PHP class for ( BunnyCDN) pull, video streaming, DNS and storage zones API.
This class whilst having a main focus on storage zone interaction includes pull zone features. Combining API with FTP, managing and using BunnyNet storage zones just got easier.
- Added DNS zone interaction
- Added
file - Added getStreamCollectionSize function
- Added getVideoStatistics function
- Added getVideoHeatmap function
- Added reEncodeVideo function
- Added fetchVideo function
- Added getCountries function
- Added getRegions function
- Added getAbuseCases function
- Added checkAbuseCase function
- Added getSupportTickets function
- Added getSupportTicketDetails function
- Added closeSupportTicket function
- Added createSupportTicket function
- Updated APIcall function (bool $storage_call replaced with string $url_type)
- Updated functions that use APIcall to use new $url_type parameter
- Updated listPullZones function
- Updated getStatistics function
- Updated findStorageZoneAccessKey function return type
- Updated getVideoCollections function
- Updated API_URL and VIDEO_STREAM_URL const strings
- Removed boolToInt function
- Removed jsonHeader function
- Sort (features) and index the readme
- Create separate example files for each (pull, storage, video/stream and DNS)
- Create separate classes and src files for each (pull, storage, video/stream and DNS)
For Pull zone, billing and statistics API interaction you will need your BunnyNet API key, this is found in your dashboard in the My Account section.
If you want to interact with storage zones you will need your BunnyCDN API key set and the name of the storage zone.
You can get this with listStorageZones()
as it returns all the storage zone data/info for the account.
- List storage zones
- Add/create storage zone
- Delete storage zone
- Create folder in storage zone
- Delete folder in storage zone
- Delete file in storage zone
- Delete all files in a folder in storage zone
- Download a file from storage zone
- Download a file from storage zone with progress percentage
- Download all files in a folder from storage zone
- Upload file to storage zone
- Upload file to storage zone with progress percentage
- Upload all files in a folder to storage zone
- Rename file or folder in storage zone
- Move file in storage zone
- Get file size in storage zone
- Get directory size in storage zone
- Navigate/List directories in storage zone
- List all from storage zone directory
- List all files formatted from storage zone directory
- List all folders formatted from storage zone directory
- List all formatted from storage zone directory
- Get usage statistics
- Get billing data
- View balance
- View monthly charge
- View monthly charge breakdown
- Apply coupon code
- List pull zones
- Get pull zone
- Add pull zone
- Update pull zone
- Delete pull zone
- Purge pull zone
- Add hostname to pull zone
- Remove hostname from pull zone
- Set force SSL for pull zone
- List pull zone HTTP access logs
- Calculate costs
Install with composer:
composer require corbpie/bunny-cdn-api
Use like:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Corbpie\BunnyCdn\BunnyAPI;
$bunny = new bunnyAPI();//Initiate the class
echo $bunny->listPullZones();
option 1 (preferred)
Line 12 bunnyAPI.php
option 2
With apiKey()
(needs setting with each calling of class)
$bunny->apiKey('XXXX-XXXX-XXXX');//Bunny api key
Storage zone name and access key for storage zone interaction (not needed if just using pull zone functions)
Set $access_key = ''
to obtain key automatically (storage name must be accurate)
$bunny->zoneConnect($storagename, $access_key);
name of storage zone string
key/password to storage zone string
List storage zones
returns array
Add a storage zone
name of storage zone to create string
Delete a storage zone
id of storage zone to delete int
Get directory size
directory to get size of string
Return current directory
returns string
Change directory
directory navigation (FTP rules) string
Move to parent directory
Create folder in current directory
Create a folder in current directory string
Delete folder
Name of folder to delete (must be empty) string
Delete a file
Name of file to delete string
Delete all files in a folder
Directory to delete all files in string
Rename a file
BunnyCDN does not allow for ftp_rename so file copied to new name and then old file deleted.
$bunny->renameFile($directory, $old_file_name, $new_file_name);
Directory that contains the file string
Object that is being renamed string
New name for object string
Move a file
$bunny->moveFile($file, $move_to);
File to move string
Directory to move file to string
Download a file
$bunny->downloadFile($save_as, $get_file, $mode);
Save file as string
File to download string
FTP mode to use INT
Download all files in a directory
$bunny->downloadAll($dir_dl_from, $dl_into, $mode);
Directory to download all from string
Download into string
FTP mode to use INT
Upload a file
$bunny->uploadFile($upload, $upload_as, $mode);
File to upload string
Upload as string
FTP mode to use INT
Upload all files from a local folder
$bunny->uploadAllFiles($dir, $place, $mode);
Upload all files from this directory string
Upload to string
FTP mode to use INT
Return storage zone files and folder data (Original)
returns array
Return storage zone directory files formatted
Directory to get and return data string
returns array
Return storage zone directory folders formatted
Directory to get and return data string
returns array
Return storage zone directory file and folders formatted
Directory to get and return data string
returns array
List all pull zones and data
returns array
List pull zones data for id
Pull zone to get data from int
returns array
Purge pull zone data
Pull zone to purge int
Delete pull zone data
Pull zone to delete int
Lists pullzone hostnames and amount
Add hostname to pull zone
$bunny->addHostnamePullZone($id, $hostname);
Pull zone hostname will be added to int
Hostname to add string
Remove a hostname from pull zone
$bunny->removeHostnamePullZone($id, $hostname);
Pull zone hostname be removed from int
Hostname to remove string
Change force SSL status for pull zone
$bunny->forceSSLPullZone($id, $hostname, $force_ssl);
Pull zone hostname change status int
Affected hostname string
True = on, FALSE = off bool
Add ip to block for pullzone
$bunny->addBlockedIpPullZone($pullzone_id, $ip, $db_log = false);
Un block an ip for pullzone
$bunny->unBlockedIpPullZone($pullzone_id, $ip, $db_log = false);
List all blocked ip's for pullzone
Purge cache for a URL
Purge cache for this url string
Pull zone logs as formatted array
$bunny->pullZoneLogs($id, $date);
Pull zone id int
Date for logs, only past 3 days (mm-dd-yy) string
Get usage statistics
returns array
Get billing data
returns array
Get account balance
returns float
Get monthly charge
returns float
Get monthly charge breakdown for region
returns array
Lists total billing amount and first date time
returns array
Apply a coupon code
Set Json header
Convert/format bytes to other data types
$bunny->convertBytes($bytes, $convert_to = 'GB', $format = true, $decimals = 2);
Convert bool to int value
returns int
Close connection (Optional)
You can only get the video library id from your stream library page
Set video stream library id
stream library id int
Get video collections
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
Set video collection guid
video collection guid string
Set video guid
video guid string
Get video collections for library id
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
$bunny->getStreamCollections($page, $items_pp,$order_by);
page number int
items to show int
order by string
Get streams for a collection
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
and setStreamCollectionGuid()
to be set.
Update stream collection
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
and setStreamCollectionGuid()
to be set.
the name to update video collection to string
Delete stream collection
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
and setStreamCollectionGuid()
to be set.
Create stream collection
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
the name for your new video collection string
List videos for library
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
video collection guid string
Get video information
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
video collection guid string
Delete video
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
library id int
video collection guid string
Create video
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
video title string
Create video for collection
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
and setStreamCollectionGuid()
to be set.
video title string
Upload video
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
Need to use createVideo()
first to get video guid
$bunny->uploadVideo($video_guid, $video_to_upload);
video guid string
video filename string
Set thumbnail for video
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
$bunny->setThumbnail($video_guid, $thumbnail_url);
video guid string
image url string
Get video resolutions
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
Get video size
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
Add captions
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
$bunny->addCaptions($video_guid, $collection_guid, $label, $captions_file);
video guid string
caption srclang string
label for captions string
caption file URL string
Delete captions
Requires setStreamLibraryId()
to be set.
$bunny->deleteCaptions($library_id, $video_guid, $srclang);
video guid string
captions srclang string