This project demonstrates how to create an erc1155 contract with multiple game card items.
- NVM or Node
- Wallet With Polygon Mainnet Matic (for the upload to arweave)
- Wallet With zkEVM Testnet Tokens
This will walk you through the steps to setup, deploy, and mint the contract.
# FROM: ./zkevm-erc1155
npm install; # pnpm install
# FROM: ./zkevm-erc1155
cp .env.example .env;
File: .env
NOTE: You will need actual matic
to upload these files or just use the urls below
# FROM: ./zkevm-erc1155
npm run uploadFiles; # pnpm uploadFiles
# Expected Output:
# Uploading...
Modify all four json files in the ./manifest
folder with the respective arweave url
File: ./manifest/1.json
"description": "The Blade of Souls is a legendary weapon steeped in mystery and lore. It is said to have been created by the gods themselves, imbued with the power to vanquish even the most malevolent of beings",
"image": "",
"name": "Blade Of Souls",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "Damage",
"value": 12
NOTE: You will need actual matic
to upload these files or just use the urls below
# FROM: ./zkevm-erc1155
npm run uploadFolder;; # pnpm uploadFolder;
# Expected Output:
# Uploading folder...
# { folderExists: true }
# {
# response: {
# id: 'l9LANRyWrOOOgnaDrOG8QKBRbxTNf7mMeANw781y4bs',
# timestamp: 1679943617898
# }
# }
# {
# URL: ''
# }
Verify the files (Example):
File: .env
# FROM: ./zkevm-erc1155
npx hardhat compile;
# Expected Output:
# Generating typings for: 15 artifacts in dir: typechain-types for target: ethers-v5
# Successfully generated 46 typings!
# Compiled 15 Solidity files successfully
NOTE: Make sure you enough have zkEVM Testnet Tokens in your wallet to deploy the contract
# FROM: ./zkevm-erc1155
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network zkevmTestnet;
# Expected Output:
# ZkMythicCards deployed to 0x4eeA7fB8f39E28D5cEDB2f0661E8BE3b4d40131F
File: .env
NOTE: Or you could mint them individually via
# FROM: ./zkevm-erc1155
npx hardhat run scripts/mint.ts --network zkevmTestnet;
# Expected Output:
# Minting...
# {
# tx: {
# hash: '0xff7851ddcef0b9ba2432188e47ca8dacafd7e90f7ef16f81dc106d1ce1dc5533',
# type: 0,
Verify transaction:
NOTE: Take a look at the previous transanction and see which tokenIDs were minted.
File: ./scripts/read.ts
// ...
const TOKEN_ID = 1; // tokenID - modify if ID not minted
// ...
Run the script to read from the contract:
# FROM: ./zkevm-erc1155
npx hardhat run scripts/read.ts --network zkevmTestnet;
# Expected Output:
# Reading...
# { TOKEN_ID: 1 }
# {
# tx: ''
# }
If you want to see a verified contract, see