The next line doesn't have to be blank now. This line can't be blank if the previous line is. Two lines above this has to be blank but two lines below can not be.
But they are not the same line. Markdown linting is weird.
3gophers trading platform is eventually (EVENTUALLY) going to be a one stop shop for all my crypto trading needs. The ability to instantly see how bad my decisions are in real time and how much better off I would have been if I had just done that thing I said I should have done before I didn't do it.
- This will end up being a TUI with a web interface and maybe available over SSH (I really just need something to make to learn go and play with libraries)
- Accepts and does nothing with a custom alert from Tradingview
- Can read json message of any alert and also not do anything with it yet
- Do something with that indicator from tradingview
- Speak to multiple exchange APIs and track assets across platforms in a single pane
- Track every crypto asset that exists in real time and used advanced AI to figure out what any of it means
- Create that AI that can figure out how to figure the previous thing out