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Merge pull request wikimedia#4458 from wikimedia/block-messages-final-2
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Better Block Message Support
  • Loading branch information
staykids authored Feb 10, 2023
2 parents 392fd3f + 151acf8 commit 3836da9
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,146 additions and 303 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions WMF Framework/Configuration.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ public class Configuration: NSObject {
public static let appsLabs = "" // Product Infrastructure team's labs instance
public static let localhost = "localhost"
public static let englishWikipedia = ""
public static let testWikipedia = ""
public static let wikimedia = ""
public static let metaWiki = ""
public static let wikimediafoundation = ""
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228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions WMF Framework/Fetcher.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,232 @@ open class Fetcher: NSObject {
return task

// MARK: Resolving MediaWiki Block Errors

/// Chain from MediaWiki API response if you want to resolve a set of error messages into a full html string for display. Use this method for raw dictionary responses. For Swift Codable responses, use resolveMediaWikiBlockedError(from apiErrors: [MediaWikiAPIError]...).
/// - Parameters:
/// - result: Serialized dictionary from MediaWiki API response
/// - completionHandler: Completion handler called when full html is determined, which is packaged up in a MediaWikiAPIBlockedDisplayError object.
func resolveMediaWikiApiBlockErrorFromResult(_ result: [String: Any], siteURL: URL, completionHandler: @escaping (MediaWikiAPIBlockedDisplayError?) -> Void) {

var apiErrors: [MediaWikiAPIError] = []

guard let errorsDict = result["errors"] as? [[String: Any]] else {

for errorDict in errorsDict {
if let error = MediaWikiAPIError(dict: errorDict) {

resolveMediaWikiBlockedError(from: apiErrors, siteURL: siteURL, completion: completionHandler)

/// Chain from MediaWiki API response if you want to resolve a set of error messages into a full html string for display. Use from Swift Codable responses that capture a collection of [MediaWikiAPIError] items.
/// - Parameters:
/// - apiErrors: Decoded MediaWikiAPIError items from API response
/// - completion: Called when full html is determined, which is packaged up in a MediaWikiAPIBlockedDisplayError object.
public func resolveMediaWikiBlockedError(from apiErrors: [MediaWikiAPIError], siteURL: URL, completion: @escaping (MediaWikiAPIBlockedDisplayError?) -> Void) {

let blockedApiErrors = apiErrors.filter { $0.code.contains("block") }
let firstApiErrorWithInfo = blockedApiErrors.first(where: { $ != nil })
let fallbackApiError = blockedApiErrors.first(where: { !$0.html.isEmpty })

let fallbackCompletion: () -> Void = {
guard let fallbackApiError else {

let displayError = MediaWikiAPIBlockedDisplayError(messageHtml: fallbackApiError.html, linkBaseURL: siteURL, code: fallbackApiError.code)

guard let blockedApiError = firstApiErrorWithInfo,
let blockedApiInfo = else {


resolveMediaWikiApiBlockError(siteURL: siteURL, code: blockedApiError.code, html: blockedApiError.html, blockInfo: blockedApiInfo) { displayError in

guard let displayError = displayError else {


private func resolveMediaWikiApiBlockError(siteURL: URL, code: String, html: String, blockInfo: MediaWikiAPIError.Data.BlockInfo, completionHandler: @escaping (MediaWikiAPIBlockedDisplayError?) -> Void) {

// First turn blockReason into html, if needed
let group = DispatchGroup()

var blockReasonHtml: String?
var templateHtml: String?
var templateSiteURL: URL?

parseBlockReason(siteURL: siteURL, blockReason: blockInfo.blockReason) { text in
blockReasonHtml = text

fetchBlockedTextTemplate(isPartial: blockInfo.blockPartial, siteURL: siteURL) { text, siteURL in
templateHtml = text
templateSiteURL = siteURL

group.notify(queue: .default)) {

guard var templateHtml = templateHtml else {

let linkBaseURL = templateSiteURL ?? siteURL

// Replace encoded placeholders first, before replacing them with blocked text.
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "%241", with: "$1")
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "%242", with: "$2")
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "%243", with: "") // stripped out below
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "%244", with: "") // stripped out below
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "%245", with: "$5")
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "%246", with: "$6")
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "%247", with: "$7")
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "%248", with: "$8")

// Replace placeholders with blocked text
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "$1", with: blockInfo.blockedBy)

if let blockReasonHtml {
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "$2", with: blockReasonHtml)

templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "$3", with: "") // IP Address
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "$4", with: "") // unknown parameter (unused?)

templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "$5", with: String(blockInfo.blockID))

let blockExpiryDisplayDate = self.blockedDateForDisplay(iso8601DateString: blockInfo.blockExpiry, siteURL: linkBaseURL)
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "$6", with: blockExpiryDisplayDate)

let username = MWKDataStore.shared().authenticationManager.loggedInUsername ?? ""
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "$7", with: username)

let blockedTimestampDisplayDate = self.blockedDateForDisplay(iso8601DateString: blockInfo.blockedTimestamp, siteURL: linkBaseURL)
templateHtml = templateHtml.replacingOccurrences(of: "$8", with: blockedTimestampDisplayDate)

let displayError = MediaWikiAPIBlockedDisplayError(messageHtml: templateHtml, linkBaseURL: linkBaseURL, code: code)


private func blockedDateForDisplay(iso8601DateString: String, siteURL: URL) -> String {
var formattedDateString: String? = nil
if let date = (iso8601DateString as NSString).wmf_iso8601Date() {

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter.wmf_localCustomShortDateFormatterWithTime(for: NSLocale.wmf_locale(for: siteURL.wmf_languageCode))

formattedDateString = dateFormatter?.string(from: date)

return formattedDateString ?? ""

private func parseBlockReason(attempt: Int = 1, siteURL: URL, blockReason: String, completion: @escaping (String?) -> Void) {

let params: [String: Any] = [
"action": "parse",
"prop": "text",
"mobileformat": 1,
"text": blockReason,
"errorformat": "html",
"erroruselocal": 1,
"format": "json",
"formatversion": 2

performMediaWikiAPIGET(for: siteURL, with: params, cancellationKey: nil) { [weak self] result, response, error in

guard let parse = result?["parse"] as? [String: Any],
let text = parse["text"] as? String else {

// If unable to find, try app language once. Otherwise return nil.
guard attempt == 1 else {

guard let appLangSiteURL = MWKDataStore.shared().languageLinkController.appLanguage?.siteURL else {

self?.parseBlockReason(attempt: attempt + 1, siteURL: appLangSiteURL, blockReason: blockReason, completion: completion)


private func fetchBlockedTextTemplate(isPartial: Bool = false, attempt: Int = 1, siteURL: URL, completion: @escaping (String?, URL) -> Void) {

// Note: Not enough languages seem to have MediaWiki:Blockedtext-partial, so forcing MediaWiki:Blockedtext for now.

let templateName = "MediaWiki:Blockedtext"
if let parseText = templateName.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed) {
let params: [String: Any] = [
"action": "parse",
"prop": "text",
"mobileformat": 1,
"page": parseText,
"errorformat": "html",
"erroruselocal": 1,
"format": "json",
"formatversion": 2

performMediaWikiAPIGET(for: siteURL, with: params, cancellationKey: nil) { [weak self] result, response, error in

guard let parse = result?["parse"] as? [String: Any],
let text = parse["text"] as? String else {

// If unable to find, try app language once. Otherwise return nil.
guard attempt == 1 else {
completion(nil, siteURL)

guard let appLangSiteURL = MWKDataStore.shared().languageLinkController.appLanguage?.siteURL else {
completion(nil, siteURL)

self?.fetchBlockedTextTemplate(isPartial: isPartial, attempt: attempt + 1, siteURL: appLangSiteURL, completion: completion)

completion(text, siteURL)

// MARK: Decodable

@discardableResult public func performDecodableMediaWikiAPIGET<T: Decodable>(for URL: URL?, with queryParameters: [String: Any]?, cancellationKey: CancellationKey? = nil, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<T, Error>) -> Swift.Void) -> CancellationKey? {
let url = configuration.mediaWikiAPIURLForURL(URL, with: queryParameters)
let key = cancellationKey ?? UUID().uuidString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,6 +386,8 @@ open class Fetcher: NSObject {
return task

// MARK: Tracking

public func track(task: URLSessionTask?, for key: String) {
guard let task = task else {
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104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions WMF Framework/MediaWikiApiErrors.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import Foundation

/// An object that is passed through from fetchers to view controllers, for reference when displaying blocked errors in a BlockedPanelViewController.
@objc public class MediaWikiAPIBlockedDisplayError: NSObject {

// Fully resolved html to display in the blocked panel.
@objc public let messageHtml: String

// Base url to be referenced when user taps a relative link within the messageHtml in the blocked panel.
public let linkBaseURL: URL

// Error code, passed through from original MediaWikiAPIError. Currently used for logging.
public let code: String

public init(messageHtml: String, linkBaseURL: URL, code: String) {
self.messageHtml = messageHtml
self.linkBaseURL = linkBaseURL
self.code = code

/// Represents errors that come in the MediaWiki API response.
/// See
public struct MediaWikiAPIError: Codable {

public struct Data: Codable {
public struct BlockInfo: Codable {
let blockReason: String
let blockPartial: Bool
let blockedBy: String
let blockID: Int64
let blockExpiry: String
let blockedTimestamp: String

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case blockReason = "blockreason"
case blockPartial = "blockpartial"
case blockedBy = "blockedby"
case blockID = "blockid"
case blockExpiry = "blockexpiry"
case blockedTimestamp = "blockedtimestamp"

init?(dict: [String: Any]) {

guard let blockReason = dict["blockreason"] as? String,
let blockPartial = dict["blockpartial"] as? Bool,
let blockedBy = dict["blockedby"] as? String,
let blockID = dict["blockid"] as? Int64,
let blockExpiry = dict["blockexpiry"] as? String,
let blockedTimestamp = dict["blockedtimestamp"] as? String else {
return nil

self.blockReason = blockReason
self.blockPartial = blockPartial
self.blockedBy = blockedBy
self.blockID = blockID
self.blockExpiry = blockExpiry
self.blockedTimestamp = blockedTimestamp

let blockInfo: BlockInfo?

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case blockInfo = "blockinfo"

init?(dict: [String: Any]) {

guard let blockInfoDict = dict["blockinfo"] as? [String: Any] else {
self.blockInfo = nil

self.blockInfo = BlockInfo(dict: blockInfoDict)

public let code: String
let html: String
let data: Data?

init?(dict: [String: Any]) {

guard let code = dict["code"] as? String,
let html = dict["html"] as? String
else {
return nil

self.code = code
self.html = html

guard let dataDict = dict["data"] as? [String: Any] else { = nil
} = Data(dict: dataDict)
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions WMF Framework/Router.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ public class Router: NSObject {
let namespaceAndTitle = path.namespaceAndTitleOfWikiResourcePath(with: language)
let namespace = namespaceAndTitle.0
let title = namespaceAndTitle.1

switch namespace {
case .talk:
if FeatureFlags.needsNewTalkPage && project.supportsNativeUserTalkPages {
Expand All @@ -70,6 +71,22 @@ public class Router: NSObject {
return project.supportsNativeUserTalkPages ? .userTalk(url) : nil
case .special:

// TODO: Fix to work across languages, not just EN. Fetch special page aliases per site and add to a set of local json files.
if language.uppercased() == "EN" || language.uppercased() == "TEST",
title == "MyTalk",
let username = MWKDataStore.shared().authenticationManager.loggedInUsername,
let newURL = url.wmf_URL(withTitle: "User_talk:\(username)") {
return .userTalk(newURL)

if language.uppercased() == "EN" || language.uppercased() == "TEST",
title == "MyContributions",
let username = MWKDataStore.shared().authenticationManager.loggedInUsername,
let newURL = url.wmf_URL(withPath: "/wiki/Special:Contributions/\(username)", isMobile: true) {
return .inAppLink(newURL)

if title == "ReadingLists",
let components = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false),
let firstQueryItem = components.queryItems?.first,
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