This is where I save some useful ML code and snippets from different sources.
This is based on:
And the address:
This is a useful demo for huggingface tools, including:
- nlp for datasets
- transformers for model zoo
Current Performance ~90% validation acc
This is based on:
This official DETR github:
What is interesting:
- Cnn+transformers
- Get around those computational extensive bounding boxes per pixel calculation and use transformers to propose bounding boxes
- Need to have a score threshold
This is based on:
Need to see that is the difference between this and Umap, but it looks fantastic!
- Detectron2 is broken on colab even with its original colab code, I'll try to use numpy and matplotlib to fix this
This is a short snippet I found on: This is usefull since it is short and easily customizable. It can be used as:
This is a short DEMO from the openCV online tutorial:
This shows how HDR works, with the builtin openCV processing alglrithms
Official github link: I use code from here as a reference: