This project is inspired by the game Bingo. It is a simplified version as it does not have a fancy UI. Its purpose is to create a functioning game using Python to encourage new contributors. Two players will be given a random 5x5 card that contain numbers ranging from 1 to 25. Each player will take turns guessing a number on the opponent's card. The game will end when 5 in a row, column, or diagonal is fully crossed.
- Claim the issue you'd like to start working on by commenting on it
- Fork the repository by cloning it onto your computer
- Create a new branch
- Make changes to the file and commit the changes
- Push the changes to Github
- Submit your changes for review
- Open a new pull request mentioning the issue you claimed
This project will be using snake case, pascal case, and standard indentation which is Python's coding standards. Please keep the format similar to the main file when contributing. This website gives a great explanation about coding standards in Python.
- Visual Studio Code
This project only requires Visual Studio Code with the exception of installing their Python extensions. Please edit and test the code using this IDE.
You can download Visual Studio Code here.
If you come across any difficulty with the installation process, I have included a video for reference.
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions