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Fix release version, userdata, use of AMI ID in Launch Template
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Nuru committed Jun 16, 2024
1 parent 53e3f48 commit 0db5179
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Showing 16 changed files with 453 additions and 218 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -349,6 +349,7 @@
| [aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ipv6_eks_cni_policy]( | resource |
| [aws_launch_template.default]( | resource |
| [random_pet.cbd]( | resource |
| [aws_ami.windows_ami]( | data source |
| [aws_eks_cluster.this]( | data source |
| [aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role]( | data source |
| [aws_iam_policy_document.ipv6_eks_cni_policy]( | data source |
Expand All @@ -363,8 +364,7 @@
| <a name="input_additional_tag_map"></a> [additional\_tag\_map](#input\_additional\_tag\_map) | Additional key-value pairs to add to each map in `tags_as_list_of_maps`. Not added to `tags` or `id`.<br>This is for some rare cases where resources want additional configuration of tags<br>and therefore take a list of maps with tag key, value, and additional configuration. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
| <a name="input_after_cluster_joining_userdata"></a> [after\_cluster\_joining\_userdata](#input\_after\_cluster\_joining\_userdata) | Additional `bash` commands to execute on each worker node after joining the EKS cluster (after executing the `` script). For more info, see | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_image_id"></a> [ami\_image\_id](#input\_ami\_image\_id) | AMI to use, overriding other AMI specifications, but must match `ami_type`. Ignored if `launch_template_id` is supplied. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_release_version"></a> [ami\_release\_version](#input\_ami\_release\_version) | OBSOLETE: Use `ami_specifier` instead. Note that it has a different format.<br>Historical description: EKS AMI version to use, e.g. For AL2 \"1.16.13-20200821\" or for bottlerocket \"1.2.0-ccf1b754\" (no \"v\") or for Windows \"2023.02.14\". For AL2, bottlerocket and Windows, it defaults to latest version for Kubernetes version." | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_specifier"></a> [ami\_specifier](#input\_ami\_specifier) | OS-dependent specifier for one of the several AMIs that match OS, architecture, and Kubernetes 1.xx version.<br>If not specified the recommended/latest AMI for the given Kubernetes version will be used.<br>Unfortunately, the format of this value varies by OS, and we have not found documentation for it.<br>You can generally figure it out from the AMI name or description, and validate it by trying to retrieve<br>the SSM Public Parameter for the AMI ID.<br><br>Examples:<br> AL2: amazon-eks-node-1.29-v20240117<br> AL2023: amazon-eks-node-al2023-x86\_64-standard-1.29-v20240605<br> Bottlerocket: 1.20.1-7c3e9198 \_# Note: 1.20.1 is the Bottlerocket, not Kubernetes, version\_<br> Windows: <not allowed> | `string` | `"recommended"` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_release_version"></a> [ami\_release\_version](#input\_ami\_release\_version) | The EKS AMI "release version" to use. Defaults to the latest recommended version.<br>For Amazon Linux, it is the "Release version" from [Amazon AMI Releases](<br>For Bottlerocket, it is the release tag from [Bottlerocket Releases]( without the "v" prefix.<br>For Windows, it is "AMI version" from [AWS docs](<br>Note that unlike AMI names, release versions never include the "v" prefix.<br>Examples:<br> AL2: 1.29.3-20240531<br> Bottlerocket: 1.2.0 or 1.2.0-ccf1b754<br> Windows: 1.29-2024.04.09 | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_type"></a> [ami\_type](#input\_ami\_type) | Type of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) associated with the EKS Node Group.<br>Defaults to `AL2_x86_64`. Valid values: `AL2_x86_64, AL2_x86_64_GPU, AL2_ARM_64, CUSTOM, BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64, BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64, BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64_NVIDIA, BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64_NVIDIA, WINDOWS_CORE_2019_x86_64, WINDOWS_FULL_2019_x86_64, WINDOWS_CORE_2022_x86_64, WINDOWS_FULL_2022_x86_64, AL2023_x86_64_STANDARD, AL2023_ARM_64_STANDARD`. | `string` | `"AL2_x86_64"` | no |
| <a name="input_associate_cluster_security_group"></a> [associate\_cluster\_security\_group](#input\_associate\_cluster\_security\_group) | When true, associate the default cluster security group to the nodes. If disabled the EKS managed security group will not<br>be associated to the nodes and you will need to provide another security group that allows the nodes to communicate with<br>the EKS control plane. Be aware that if no `associated_security_group_ids` or `ssh_access_security_group_ids` are provided,<br>then the nodes will have no inbound or outbound rules. | `bool` | `true` | no |
| <a name="input_associated_security_group_ids"></a> [associated\_security\_group\_ids](#input\_associated\_security\_group\_ids) | A list of IDs of Security Groups to associate the node group with, in addition to the EKS' created security group.<br>These security groups will not be modified. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,7 +432,6 @@

| Name | Description |
| <a name="output_WARNING_ami_release_version"></a> [WARNING\_ami\_release\_version](#output\_WARNING\_ami\_release\_version) | Include the warning output message to quite the linter about unused variables. |
| <a name="output_WARNING_cluster_autoscaler_enabled"></a> [WARNING\_cluster\_autoscaler\_enabled](#output\_WARNING\_cluster\_autoscaler\_enabled) | n/a |
| <a name="output_eks_node_group_ami_id"></a> [eks\_node\_group\_ami\_id](#output\_eks\_node\_group\_ami\_id) | The ID of the AMI used for the worker nodes, if specified |
| <a name="output_eks_node_group_arn"></a> [eks\_node\_group\_arn](#output\_eks\_node\_group\_arn) | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the EKS Node Group |
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84 changes: 64 additions & 20 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,12 @@

locals {
given_ami_id = length(var.ami_image_id) > 0

# Public SSM parameters all start with /aws/service/

ami_os = split("_", var.ami_type)[0]

# format string that makes
# format(fmt, specifier, k8s_version) the SSM parameter name to retrieve

Expand All @@ -39,34 +43,74 @@ locals {
WINDOWS_FULL_2022_x86_64 = "/aws/service/ami-windows-latest/Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-EKS_Optimized-%[2]v/image_id"

# AMI specifiers?
# Specifiers for AL2 and AL2023 are AMI Name from
release_version_parts = concat(split("-", try(var.ami_release_version[0], "")), ["", ""])
amazon_linux_ami_name_release_part = try(join(".", slice(split(".", local.release_version_parts[0]), 0, 2)), "")
# AMI Public SSM Parameter specifiers?
# Release versions for AL2 and AL2023 are from
# Amazon Linux Release Version: 1.29.0-20240213
# AL2
# AMI name: amazon-eks-node-1.29-v20240117
# AMI SSM param: /aws/service/eks/optimized-ami/1.29/amazon-linux-2/amazon-eks-node-1.29-v20240117/image_id
# AL2023
# AMI name: amazon-eks-node-al2023-arm64-standard-1.29-v20240605
# AMI SSM param: /aws/service/eks/optimized-ami/1.29/amazon-linux-2023/x86_64/standard/amazon-eks-node-al2023-x86_64-standard-1.29-v20240605/image_id
# Specifiers for Bottlerocket are the bare release version (e.g. `1.20.0`) or
# the release version and the commit hash (e.g. `1.20.0-7c3e9198`)
# AMI name: amazon-eks-node-al2023-x86_64-standard-1.29-v20240213
# AMI SSM param: /aws/service/eks/optimized-ami/1.29/amazon-linux-2023/x86_64/standard/amazon-eks-node-al2023-x86_64-standard-1.29-v20240213/image_id
# Specifiers for Bottlerocket are the bare release version (e.g. `1.18.0`) or
# the release version and the first 8 characters of the commit hash (e.g. `1.18.0-7452c37e`). NOTE: GitHub commit hash abbreviations are only 7 characters.
# From:
# Bottlerocket:
# AMI name: bottlerocket-aws-k8s-1.26-nvidia-x86_64-v1.17.0-53f322c2
# AMI SSM param: /aws/service/bottlerocket/aws-k8s-1.26-nvidia/x86_64/1.17.0/image_id # No "v"
# /aws/service/bottlerocket/aws-k8s-1.26-nvidia/x86_64/1.17.0--53f322c2/image_id
# Windows does not allow a specifier.
ami_specifier = var.ami_specifier == "recommended" && startswith(var.ami_type, "BOTTLEROCKET") ? "latest" : var.ami_specifier

# Kubernetes version priority (first one to be set wins)
# 1. var.kubernetes_version
# 2. data.eks_cluster.this.kubernetes_version
use_cluster_kubernetes_version = local.enabled && length(var.kubernetes_version) == 0
need_cluster_kubernetes_version = local.use_cluster_kubernetes_version

resolved_kubernetes_version = local.use_cluster_kubernetes_version ? data.aws_eks_cluster.this[0].version : var.kubernetes_version[0]
# AMI name: bottlerocket-aws-k8s-1.29-nvidia-x86_64-v1.18.0-7452c37e
# AMI SSM param: /aws/service/bottlerocket/aws-k8s-1.26-nvidia/x86_64/1.18.0/image_id # No "v"
# /aws/service/bottlerocket/aws-k8s-1.26-nvidia/x86_64/1.18.0-7452c37e/image_id
# Windows does not allow a specifier for SSM parameters, they only have the latest AMI ID
ami_specifier_amazon_linux = {
AL2_x86_64 = format("amazon-eks-node-%v-v%v", local.amazon_linux_ami_name_release_part, local.release_version_parts[1])
AL2_x86_64_GPU = format("amazon-eks-gpu-node-%v-v%v", local.amazon_linux_ami_name_release_part, local.release_version_parts[1])
AL2_ARM_64 = format("amazon-eks-arm64-node-%v-v%v", local.amazon_linux_ami_name_release_part, local.release_version_parts[1])
AL2023_x86_64_STANDARD = format("amazon-eks-node-al2023-x86_64-standard-%v-v%v", local.amazon_linux_ami_name_release_part, local.release_version_parts[1])
AL2023_ARM_64_STANDARD = format("amazon-eks-node-al2023-arm64-standard-%v-v%v", local.amazon_linux_ami_name_release_part, local.release_version_parts[1])

ami_specifier = length(var.ami_release_version) == 0 ? (local.ami_os == "BOTTLEROCKET" ? "latest" : "recommended") : (
lookup(local.ami_specifier_amazon_linux, var.ami_type, var.ami_release_version[0])

# As usual, Windows is difficult.
is_window_version = local.ami_os == "WINDOWS" && local.ami_specifier != "recommended"

windows_name_base = {
WINDOWS_CORE_2019_x86_64 = "Windows_Server-2019-English-Core-EKS_Optimized"
WINDOWS_FULL_2019_x86_64 = "Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-EKS_Optimized"
WINDOWS_CORE_2022_x86_64 = "Windows_Server-2022-English-Core-EKS_Optimized"
WINDOWS_FULL_2022_x86_64 = "Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-EKS_Optimized"

# We do not really need to compute all the names, but it makes debugging easier if we do.
ami_name_windows = { for k, v in local.windows_name_base : k => format("%s-%s", v, try(var.ami_release_version[0], "")) }

fetched_ami_id = try(local.is_window_version ? data.aws_ami.windows_ami[0].image_id : data.aws_ssm_parameter.ami_id[0].insecure_value, "")
ami_id = local.given_ami_id ? var.ami_image_id[0] : local.fetched_ami_id

data "aws_ssm_parameter" "ami_id" {
count = local.enabled && local.need_ami_id ? 1 : 0
count = local.need_to_get_ami_id && !local.is_window_version ? 1 : 0

name = format(local.ami_ssm_format[var.ami_type], local.ami_specifier, local.resolved_kubernetes_version)

lifecycle {
precondition {
condition = var.ami_type != "CUSTOM"
error_message = "The AMI ID must be supplied when AMI type is \"CUSTOM\"."

data "aws_ami" "windows_ami" {
count = local.need_to_get_ami_id && local.is_window_version ? 1 : 0

owners = ["amazon"]
filter {
name = "name"
values = [local.ami_name_windows[var.ami_type]]

5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
| [aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ipv6_eks_cni_policy]( | resource |
| [aws_launch_template.default]( | resource |
| [random_pet.cbd]( | resource |
| [aws_ami.windows_ami]( | data source |
| [aws_eks_cluster.this]( | data source |
| [aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role]( | data source |
| [aws_iam_policy_document.ipv6_eks_cni_policy]( | data source |
Expand All @@ -50,8 +51,7 @@
| <a name="input_additional_tag_map"></a> [additional\_tag\_map](#input\_additional\_tag\_map) | Additional key-value pairs to add to each map in `tags_as_list_of_maps`. Not added to `tags` or `id`.<br>This is for some rare cases where resources want additional configuration of tags<br>and therefore take a list of maps with tag key, value, and additional configuration. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
| <a name="input_after_cluster_joining_userdata"></a> [after\_cluster\_joining\_userdata](#input\_after\_cluster\_joining\_userdata) | Additional `bash` commands to execute on each worker node after joining the EKS cluster (after executing the `` script). For more info, see | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_image_id"></a> [ami\_image\_id](#input\_ami\_image\_id) | AMI to use, overriding other AMI specifications, but must match `ami_type`. Ignored if `launch_template_id` is supplied. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_release_version"></a> [ami\_release\_version](#input\_ami\_release\_version) | OBSOLETE: Use `ami_specifier` instead. Note that it has a different format.<br>Historical description: EKS AMI version to use, e.g. For AL2 \"1.16.13-20200821\" or for bottlerocket \"1.2.0-ccf1b754\" (no \"v\") or for Windows \"2023.02.14\". For AL2, bottlerocket and Windows, it defaults to latest version for Kubernetes version." | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_specifier"></a> [ami\_specifier](#input\_ami\_specifier) | OS-dependent specifier for one of the several AMIs that match OS, architecture, and Kubernetes 1.xx version.<br>If not specified the recommended/latest AMI for the given Kubernetes version will be used.<br>Unfortunately, the format of this value varies by OS, and we have not found documentation for it.<br>You can generally figure it out from the AMI name or description, and validate it by trying to retrieve<br>the SSM Public Parameter for the AMI ID.<br><br>Examples:<br> AL2: amazon-eks-node-1.29-v20240117<br> AL2023: amazon-eks-node-al2023-x86\_64-standard-1.29-v20240605<br> Bottlerocket: 1.20.1-7c3e9198 \_# Note: 1.20.1 is the Bottlerocket, not Kubernetes, version\_<br> Windows: <not allowed> | `string` | `"recommended"` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_release_version"></a> [ami\_release\_version](#input\_ami\_release\_version) | The EKS AMI "release version" to use. Defaults to the latest recommended version.<br>For Amazon Linux, it is the "Release version" from [Amazon AMI Releases](<br>For Bottlerocket, it is the release tag from [Bottlerocket Releases]( without the "v" prefix.<br>For Windows, it is "AMI version" from [AWS docs](<br>Note that unlike AMI names, release versions never include the "v" prefix.<br>Examples:<br> AL2: 1.29.3-20240531<br> Bottlerocket: 1.2.0 or 1.2.0-ccf1b754<br> Windows: 1.29-2024.04.09 | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_ami_type"></a> [ami\_type](#input\_ami\_type) | Type of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) associated with the EKS Node Group.<br>Defaults to `AL2_x86_64`. Valid values: `AL2_x86_64, AL2_x86_64_GPU, AL2_ARM_64, CUSTOM, BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64, BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64, BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64_NVIDIA, BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64_NVIDIA, WINDOWS_CORE_2019_x86_64, WINDOWS_FULL_2019_x86_64, WINDOWS_CORE_2022_x86_64, WINDOWS_FULL_2022_x86_64, AL2023_x86_64_STANDARD, AL2023_ARM_64_STANDARD`. | `string` | `"AL2_x86_64"` | no |
| <a name="input_associate_cluster_security_group"></a> [associate\_cluster\_security\_group](#input\_associate\_cluster\_security\_group) | When true, associate the default cluster security group to the nodes. If disabled the EKS managed security group will not<br>be associated to the nodes and you will need to provide another security group that allows the nodes to communicate with<br>the EKS control plane. Be aware that if no `associated_security_group_ids` or `ssh_access_security_group_ids` are provided,<br>then the nodes will have no inbound or outbound rules. | `bool` | `true` | no |
| <a name="input_associated_security_group_ids"></a> [associated\_security\_group\_ids](#input\_associated\_security\_group\_ids) | A list of IDs of Security Groups to associate the node group with, in addition to the EKS' created security group.<br>These security groups will not be modified. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,6 @@

| Name | Description |
| <a name="output_WARNING_ami_release_version"></a> [WARNING\_ami\_release\_version](#output\_WARNING\_ami\_release\_version) | Include the warning output message to quite the linter about unused variables. |
| <a name="output_WARNING_cluster_autoscaler_enabled"></a> [WARNING\_cluster\_autoscaler\_enabled](#output\_WARNING\_cluster\_autoscaler\_enabled) | n/a |
| <a name="output_eks_node_group_ami_id"></a> [eks\_node\_group\_ami\_id](#output\_eks\_node\_group\_ami\_id) | The ID of the AMI used for the worker nodes, if specified |
| <a name="output_eks_node_group_arn"></a> [eks\_node\_group\_arn](#output\_eks\_node\_group\_arn) | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the EKS Node Group |
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14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions examples/complete/
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Expand Up @@ -10,19 +10,28 @@ stage = "test"

name = "eks-node-group"

# Keep Kubernetes version in sync with packages in test/src/go.mod
kubernetes_version = "1.29"
# Keep the AMI release version in sync with the Kubernetes version
# Get Release Version from
# but DO NOT USE THE LATEST VERSION. Use the one before that.
ami_release_version = ["1.29.3-20240531"]

# Use the same architecture for the instance type and the AMI type
instance_types = ["t4g.small"]
ami_type = "AL2023_ARM_64_STANDARD"

oidc_provider_enabled = true

enabled_cluster_log_types = ["audit"]

cluster_log_retention_period = 7

instance_types = ["t3.small"]

desired_size = 2

max_size = 3
max_size = 2

min_size = 2

Expand All @@ -47,4 +56,3 @@ kubernetes_taints = [

ami_type = "AL2023_x86_64_STANDARD"

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