- Pull config from SNO
- Generate worker ISO
- Puts in ~/worker by default
- Approves worker CSR's on SNO cluster.
- Create directories
- Generate SSH keys if needed
- Generate templates for install-config and agent-config for both 2 node and 3+ node
- Do sanity checks on DNS/Networking before cluster install
- Generate agent ISO
- Copy kube-config from newly generated ISO content to ~/.kube/config
- Determines if network connected or disconnected
- Ensures required pre-req packages are installed
- Ensures /usr/bin exists
- Creates pre-req directories for oc tools
- Checks if all required binaries are present and notifies handlers if not for downloading.
- Ensures correct RHCOS image is available on the system and notifies handler for download if necessary.
- Creates oc-mirror content directory
- Pull Images from internet if pull_mirror is true
- Push Images to registry if already download/disconnected
- Generates imageset-config for later pulling with oc-mirror
- Ensures all required directories for registry are created
- Generates HTPASSWD File
- Generates self-signed CA
- Generates registry certs signed by said CA
- Create podman service and resulting pod for registry as rootless user
- Allow service to start without user logged in
- Apply firewall rule to allow registry port
- Verify registry is up and accessible
- Generate and configure docker pull secret.
- Detect or use variable to determine iDRAC vs SAMBA
- Moves generated ISO from agent_install to web root (/var/www/html)
- Communicates with iDRAC or other (if available) to load images otherwise tell where located.
- Sets One time boot for all iDRAC's and resets servers to begin installation
- Configure bastion to switch via serial
- Update switch config via respective Ansible networking modules
- Configure initial IP of netapp
- Configure/deploy netapp/ontap with official netapp modules
- Generates SSH key for Git
- Create Git user and any required directories