Node.js Web Scoreboard for FinishLynx
- LAN Version
- Runs on a local network — requires
- WAN Version
- Runs on a webserver — requires account
- install node.js
- add node to PATH (windows installer sometimes doen't do this by default)
- open cmd prompt as administrator
- SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Nodejs;%PATH%
- add node to PATH (windows installer sometimes doen't do this by default)
- create a folder for you Node project (c:\node)
- install node.js module (required for LAN version, not WAN)
- must be in the same directory as the node project
- from a command prompt
- CD c:\node
- npm install
- copy nodejs.lss into the Finishlynx directory
- setup scoreboard in FinishLynx
- Script: nodejs.lss
- Code Set: Single Byte
- Serial Port: Network (UDP)
- Port: 43278
- IP Address:
- Running Time: Off
- Results: Auto
- Alway send place: checked
- Paging: checked
- Size: 24
- Max: 24
- Include first name: checked
- start the node upd/http server
- node lynx.js