Another serial port tool
This is my practice work with U++ at the very beginning. Now, it helps me a lot, not a toy again. I hope it helps more people.
comxd has a internal virtual terminal as described below. We adopted a versatile terminal implementation from v2.2.18. We'll maintain the internal terminal, but it should be deprecated someday.
comxd was designed for hardware engineers. It supports
- serial port
- TCP Client
- Pipe Client [ Windows only ]
- Pipe Server [ Windows only ]
We call these devices as serial I/O, they are popular on smart devices.
Virtual terminal is not the main function of comxd, but "Assistant".
Most of hardware engineers could use it expertly without any help. comxd is a convinient tool for our engineers, we use it to download firmware, debug communication protocol, deploy softwares to target board, .etc. I'll show some ocassions to use comxd later. It's a plesure if this tool helps you.
- About
- Input region is encoded in UTF-8
- Press this button,it will transcode the UTF-8 characters to current codec stream
If you have a vmware station, pipe client will help you.
support xmode and kermit
support special ymodem
We have a special device that does not support standard ymodem, so do not use it.
support SCP
- Press the up arrow to upload file
- Press the down arrow to download file
This is a kind of specification which defines control functions and their coded representations for use in a 7-bit code, an extended 7-bit code, an 8-bit code or an extended 8-bit code.
It says we do not have to support all features defined in ECMA-048. Yes, it's true. If we support all of them, it must be a complicated work I've never experienced.
Features/Sequences were ignored
- Auto wrap. We have unlimited line width, I like it, so we ignore line wrap
- VT52 control sequences.
- MC
- Printer. We response "No printer"
Keys were supported
Control + ...
Direction keys
- All sequences were recognized
- ANSI Extended charset
- charsets
- charsets
- most of charsets
- most of charsets
- All sequences were recognized (well, most of...)
- DCS OSC, .etc were ignored
- We do not process most of sequences
- most of charsets
- Ignore a lot of sequences
- It's a real compicated work to implent a virtual terminal
- No Sixel,No ReGIS
- Enough for our applications
- Will add more features if we need