SSHProxy Charm example for Open Source MANO.
The purpose of this charm is to operate a VNF via SSH. For this, the charm should know the hostname of the VNF (ip address), and the username. The charm will be in a blocked state until it has the hostname, username, and the credentials for SSH-ing to the VNF. Both hostname and username are set via config, with ssh-hostname
and ssh-username
There are two ways of specifying the credentials: password, keys. (See next section)
This charm works for both LXD and K8s. By default, it will work on LXD. To make it work in K8s, just change the following in the metadata.yaml
# - focal
# - bionic
# - xenial
- kubernetes
mode: operator
- LXD:
sudo snap install juju --classic
juju bootstrap lxd
juju add-model test
- K8s:
sudo snap install juju --classic
sudo snap install microk8s --classic
sudo microk8s.status --wait-ready
sudo microk8s.enable storage dns
juju bootstrap microk8s
juju add-model test
charmcraft build
juju deploy ./sshproxy.charm
First of all, set the username and hostname of the VNF:
juju config sshproxy ssh-hostname=<hostname> \
To workaround this bug, use the following configurations of the charm to specify the urls of apt and security mirrors.
juju config sshproxy apt-mirror=<apt-mirror> \
There are two ways to set up the credentials for the charm to be able to SSH the VNF.
With password:
juju config sshproxy ssh-password=<password>
With public keys:
- First get the public key from the charm
$ juju run-action sshproxy/0 get-ssh-public-key --wait
UnitId: sshproxy/0
id: "12"
pubkey: |
ssh-rsa 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 root@juju-73fac6-2
status: completed
completed: 2020-11-18 15:42:03 +0000 UTC
enqueued: 2020-11-18 15:42:00 +0000 UTC
started: 2020-11-18 15:42:03 +0000 UTC
- Inject that key in
at the VNF - Verify the ssh credentials
$ juju run-action sshproxy/0 verify-ssh-credentials --wait
UnitId: sshproxy/0
id: "14"
verified: "True"
status: completed
completed: 2020-11-18 15:39:30 +0000 UTC
enqueued: 2020-11-18 15:39:29 +0000 UTC
started: 2020-11-18 15:39:29 +0000 UTC
Create and activate a virtualenv with the development requirements:
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
The Python operator framework includes a very nice harness for testing
operator behaviour without full deployment. Just run_tests