My little own vim configuration. Use and fork as you see fit.
- for YouCompleteMe
- if using neovim (installation instructions here), you'd better install the Python neovim module (
pip install neovim
). And if you use pyenv, you'd better addexport PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared"
in your.bashrc|.zshrc|.profile|…
before installing your global Python version.
- git clone the project:
git clone ~/.vim
- boostrap:
cd ~/.vim && make
- add your local settings or overrides in
- Profit!
Plugins (handled by vim-plug)
- BufOnly.vim
- SyntaxComplete
- ack.vim
- alchemist.vim
- darkspectrum
- ditaa
- easybuffer.vim
- file-line
- fzf.vim
- fzf
- gruvbox
- harlequin
- jellybeans.vim
- molokai
- monokai
- neodark.vim
- neomake
- neovim-colors-solarized-truecolor-only
- nerdtree
- phoenix.vim
- rainbow
- supertab
- surround.vim
- syntastic
- tComment
- tabular
- undotree
- vim-airline
- vim-autoformat
- vim-brogrammer-theme
- vim-bundler
- vim-characterize
- vim-closetag
- vim-css-color
- vim-css3-syntax
- vim-desert-warm-256
- vim-desert256
- vim-easymotion
- vim-endwise
- vim-evolution
- vim-fontsize
- vim-fugitive
- vim-gfm-syntax
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-grex
- vim-gutentags
- vim-hcl
- vim-hclfmt
- vim-luna
- vim-metarw-git
- vim-obsession
- vim-obsidian
- vim-plugin-AnsiEsc
- vim-polyglot
- vim-projectionist
- vim-rails
- vim-rake
- vim-rbenv
- vim-repeat
- vim-sensible
- vim-signature
- vim-smartinput
- vim-textobj-indent
- vim-textobj-line
- vim-textobj-rubyblock
- vim-textobj-user
- vim-tomorrow-theme
- vim-unimpaired
- vim-visual-star-search
- vim-vividchalk
- vimproc.vim
- vimroom