makes CSP management easier by letting developers specify the services they use by name - these are then merged into the base policy to create the final CSP.
This package itself knows the required CSP policies for:
Braintree Paymentsclearbit
DigiCert Site SealgoogleAnalytics
Google AnalyticsgoogleFonts
Google Fontsgravatar
Magic Signupmixpanel
Perfect Audienceractive
Twitter oembed APItwitterAnalytics
Twitter analyticstypekit
Official policies are used wherever they're made available, and all are tested in a production app.
CSP By API doesn't implement CSP in node. Use an existing node CSP implementation like Helmet or express-csp for that. Instead, CSP By API significantly cuts down on:
- the amount of CSP research needed
- the amount of CSP management
For your app. For example:
var cspByAPI = require('csp-by-api')
// This is the policy for your own app only. You don't need to worry about third parties at all!
var basePolicy = {
defaultSrc: [CSP_SELF],
scriptSrc: [CSP_SELF],
fontSrc: [],
imgSrc: [CSP_SELF, 'data:'],
connectSrc: [CSP_SELF],
frameSrc: [],
reportUri: "/csp-violation",
reportOnly: true
Then add the apps you use. csp-by-api
will combine them for you:
var policy = cspByAPI(basePolicy, [
Then, for example, using Express and Helmet:
var helmet = require('helmet');
directives: policy
Add more policies! Send a pull request to add more policies. Include a reference to an official policy if it exists, or state that there is no official policy if none exists.
Go for it! Just take policies.js
(it's just JSON plus comments, hence .js
) and make sure you regularly update from this project!
You can also create your custom policies and provide them to the API: if exampleThing
is not provided by this library, you can still define it yourself and use it:
var exampleThing = {
scriptSrc: ['js.example.com', 'api.example.com'],
imgSrc: ['q.example.com'],
connectSrc: ['api.example.com'],
frameSrc: ['js.example.com']
cspByAPI(basePolicy, [
You should still send a pull request though!
Some of these are just general notes about CSP, but you'll still find them useful
You will likely need to move the content of inline scripts (<script>
tags without a src
) to a seperate <script src="">
tag on your server.
To include server variables in the browser without using inline JavaScript, make a non-executable <script>
tag, eg:
In your server-side template:
{{# serverVars }}
<script class="server-vars" type="application/x-configuration">
{{{ . }}}
{{/ serverVars }}
Then in a script tag on your server:
var serverVarsElement = document.getElementsByClassName('server-vars')[0]
if ( serverVarsElement ) {
window.serverVars = JSON.parse(serverVarsElement.textContent);
For Twitter, you'll also need this meta tag - see https://dev.twitter.com/web/embedded-tweets/faq:
<meta name="twitter:widgets:csp" content="on">