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added file, fix some dos stuff
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git-svn-id: svn://R_E_D_A_C_T_E_D/icfp/hw12@368 b3d0796d-73f4-44f3-a614-c7306c265f62
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spoons committed Jun 19, 2011
1 parent ab93cc3 commit c60a7d8
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Showing 3 changed files with 299 additions and 3 deletions.
292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions dominator-lazy-medic.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
(* Copied from Medic *)
structure LazyMedic :> DOMINATOR =
structure GS = GameState
datatype src = datatype Kompiler.src
datatype dosturn = datatype DOS.dosturn

structure EP = EmitProgram

infix 9 --
val op -- = Apply
val $ = Var
fun \ x exp = Lambda (x, exp)
infixr 1 `
fun a ` b = a b

val eprint = fn s => eprint ("[Z-MEDIC] " ^ s ^ "\n")

val initial_priority = ref ~1.0 (* will be set in first preview *)

datatype mode =
(* Once the program is in place, revive and heal until
we're pretty happy with its health. *)
| Healing of { status : EP.status ref,
child :,
myslot : int,
src : int,
(* How many times have I already healed? *)
heals : int ref,
(* How much does my program heal? *)
heal : int,
(* How much did health did the target have when
I selected it? *)
old_health : int,
target : int }

(* Score my own slots for healing. These slots are prioritized
using the same heuristics as sniper, but dead slots are treated
as high-scoring, since we often want to revive them.
TODO: Allow programs to actually advise on the importance
of slots, which should override use-based heuristics.
TODO: If a slot is freed, might want to clear its score.
Also, this is bad for reasons
fun scoremyslotforhealing my_side my_stats idx =
let val s = LTG.statfor my_stats idx
(LTG.slotisdead my_side idx,
Array.sub(#2 my_side, idx),
(real (LTG.stat_left_applications s) +
real (LTG.stat_right_applications s) +
LTG.stat_damage_done s +
LTG.stat_healing_done s +
real (LTG.stat_iterations s) +
real (LTG.stat_gotten s)))

(* XXX: Should use number of bits, but this is close *)
fun compare_idx (i, ii) = (ii, i)

(* If one is dead, then it is lexicographically higher priority. *)
fun compare_scores ((true, _, _, _), (false, _, _, _)) = GREATER
| compare_scores ((false, _, _, _), (true, _, _, _)) = LESS
| compare_scores ((_, v, i, s), (_, vv, ii, ss)) =
(case (v, vv) of
(* This is really only for the case that the cards have
been completely unused. Heal cheaper cards since
they make good sources and are easier to heal. *)
(case (ss, s) of
EQUAL => compare_idx (i, ii)
| neq => neq)

val HEALTH_GOAL = 20000

fun compare_sources (_, vitality) (i, ii) =
val v = Array.sub (vitality, i)
val vv = Array.sub (vitality, ii)
(* If they both have plenty of health, then just take something
with a small index. *)
then compare_idx (i, ii)
else (v, vv)

val all256 = List.tabulate (256, fn i => i)

fun create () =

(* Maybe should have a lower bound on what it will
consider valuable, and just heal/revive if there
are no current high-value targets. *)

(* Makes a program that revives, and heals the target from the
source slot for the given health, then returns itself (so it sticks around). *)
fun healprogram { src : int, amount : int, target : int } prog_slot =
val helpy =
(\ "src" ` \ "target" ` \ "amount" `
(Card LTG.Revive -- $"target") --
(* First heal from source to target.
This drains a lot of src's health, but gives even
more to target. Doing this in reverse then restores
even more health to src, but leaves target
with any excess. *)
(* XXX Should try to do this more times? *)
(Card LTG.Help -- $"src" -- $"target" -- $"amount") --
(Card LTG.Help -- $"target" -- $"src" -- $"amount")) --
Int src -- Int target -- Int amount

val prog = Kompiler.run_and_return_self helpy
Kompiler.compile prog prog_slot
end handle (e as Kompiler.Kompiler s) =>
let in
eprint ("Kompilation failed: " ^ s);
raise e

val mode = ref FindTarget

fun preview dos =
if !initial_priority < 0.0 then initial_priority := DOS.getpriority dos
case !mode of
FindTarget => ()
| Healing { target, ... } =>
(* If the target is allocated then run with our usual priority. *)
if DOS.is_reserved target then
(eprint ("");
DOS.setpriority (DOS.getpid dos) (!initial_priority))
else (* Otherwise run at low priority. *)
(eprint ("");
DOS.setpriority (DOS.getpid dos) (!initial_priority / 2.0))

(* How much health do we expect to have in the source slot
by the time we actually do the healing? Set dynamically
by observing what happened in previous attempts. Never
more than 1.0, never less than 0.25 *)
val discount_estimate = ref 1.0
fun update_discount_estimate (actual, expected) =
(* XXX: time weighted average? *)
val de = real actual / real expected
val newde =
if !discount_estimate < de
then (!discount_estimate + de) * 0.5
else de

val newde = if newde > 1.0
then 1.0
else if newde < 0.5
then 0.5
else newde
discount_estimate := newde

(* Only situation in which there is no source is if all our
slots are dead, in which case too bad! *)
fun findsource (myside as (_, vitality)) =
val slots = all256
val best : int = ListUtil.max (compare_sources myside) slots
val actual_health = Array.sub (vitality, best)
val discounted_health = Real.trunc (real actual_health * !discount_estimate)
val heal_health = Numbers.next_lowest_power_of_two discounted_health
(best, heal_health, actual_health)

fun taketurn dos =
let val gs = DOS.gamestate dos
case !mode of
FindTarget =>
(case DOS.reserve_addressable_slot dos of
NONE => DOS.Can'tRun
| SOME prog_slot =>
(* Find an easily-addressed slot with health,
which will be the source for healing. Get
the health amount we'll try to use. *)
val myside = GS.myside gs
val (src, heal, actual_src_health) = findsource myside

(* Find a high value slot on my own side to heal. *)
val mystats = GS.mystats gs
val slots = List.tabulate (256, fn i =>
(i, scoremyslotforhealing myside mystats i))

(* Maybe should have a lower bound on what it will
consider valuable, and just heal/revive if there
are no current high-value targets. *)
val (best, _) = ListUtil.max (ListUtil.bysecond compare_scores) slots

val prog = healprogram { src = src, amount = heal, target = best } prog_slot

(* Save child pid. If our program dies, we just kill
the child and try again, on the assumption that
there are no other medics. *)
val (stat, child_pid) = EP.emitspawn dos prog
eprint ("New task: " ^ Int.toString src ^ " -> " ^
Int.toString best ^ " @ " ^ Int.toString heal ^
". Program length: " ^ Int.toString (length prog));

mode := Healing { myslot = prog_slot,
child = child_pid,
target = best,
src = src,
heals = ref 0,
old_health = actual_src_health,
heal = heal,
status = stat };
| Healing { status = ref (EP.Progress _), ... } => Can'tRun
| Healing { status = ref EP.Done, myslot, target, src, heals,
heal, old_health, child = _ } =>
val myside = GS.myside gs
val health = Array.sub (#2 myside, target)
val src_health = Array.sub (#2 myside, src)
if !heals = 0
then update_discount_estimate (src_health, old_health)
else ();

(* If we don't have enough health in the source, then
we're going to fail. *)
if src_health < heal
let in
(* XXX if the target is dead now, we should
still run our program once, since it revives. *)
eprint ("Source doesn't have " ^ Int.toString heal ^
" health to heal with.");
DOS.release_slot dos myslot;
mode := FindTarget;
taketurn dos
if health >= HEALTH_GOAL
let in
eprint ("Success! Healed slot " ^
Int.toString target ^ " " ^
Int.toString (!heals) ^
" times to bring it to " ^
Int.toString health ^ ".");
DOS.release_slot dos myslot;
mode := FindTarget;
taketurn dos
let in
(* Otherwise keep healing. *)
heals := !heals + 1;
DOS.Turn (LTG.RightApply (myslot, LTG.I))

(* This is pretty bad news, since nobody will be around to
heal it. We'll kill the program and try again... *)
| Healing { status = ref (EP.Paused _), child, myslot, ... } =>
let in
eprint ("Medic: My child EmitProgram was interrupted. Killing.");
DOS.kill child;
(* This slot is useless to me now, since it's dead. *)
DOS.release_slot dos myslot;
mode := FindTarget;
taketurn dos
{ preview = preview,
taketurn = taketurn }

7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions dos-sig.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ sig
{ preview : dos -> unit,
taketurn : dos -> dosturn }

(* Get my own pid. *)
(* The current turn number. *)
val getturnnumber : unit -> int

(* Get pid/name/priority of the given context. *)
val getpid : dos -> pid
val getname : dos -> string
val getpriority : dos -> real
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ sig
val transfer_slot : dos -> {dst : dos, slot : int} -> unit

(* Indicates whether or not a slot is reserved. *)
val is_researved : int -> bool
val is_reserved : int -> bool

(* Kill a running dominator. *)
(* XXX Doesn't free slots or kill children yet *)
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion dos.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,10 +152,11 @@ struct
ignore (reserve_fixed_slot dst slot orelse raise DOS ("Failed transfer"))

fun is_researved i = Array.sub (reserved, i)
fun is_reserved i = Array.sub (reserved, i)

(* How many game turns have passed. *)
val turnnum = ref 0
fun getturnnumber () = !turnnum

val rtos = Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX (SOME 2))

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