I am MonchLee(18 y.o) ! 😎
- 🔭 I’m currently working on WeChat Mini Program, CRM
- 🌱 I’m currently learning TypeScript, Flutter, PWA
- 🚀 I create the front-end technology news weekly called FE News Weekly ❤️
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to Javascript/Performance Optimization or React/Vue/React Native
- 📫 How to reach me: work email [email protected] | community juejin.cn/MonchLee
- ⚡ Fun fact: I create a front end repository here FED Repository
📕 Latest Blog Posts
- Frontend predictions for 2024
- How to elegantly update your complex state data in the era of Hooks
- It's 2023, why aren't you using SWR yet?
- Talking about React component communication again in 2023
- A complete guide to data structure Heap
- JavaScript base mechanism: Execution Context
- Momentum-based scrolling in miniprogram
- A complate guide to CSS ellipsis multiline
- A complete guide to Tree Shaking
- All things you need to know about Responsive Design Layout
- The ways to solve cross domain
- Source code analysis of Axios
- May the best analysis of JavaScript this
- May the best analysis of BFC
🚀 FE News Weekly