Want to create a query for web scraping a website like this, I suppose it will enable me to generate scrape queries from anywhere.
from (.item)
span > a.title as title
attr(href, div > h1 > span > a) as url
span > a.title has 'history'
limit 1
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Attempt to extract data from webpage which, in my opinion, becomes more enjoyable, my intention in creating this was to enable web scraping of websites that utilize js/ajax for content loading.
To perform web scraping on pages loaded with js/ajax, you need an adapter outside of this package, this was developed using symfony/panther
. I don't want to add it as a default package in the core of cquery because, this feature is optional for some people. Please check and understand its usage here. I refer to it as cacing69/cquery-panther-loader. Read more information about symfony/panther, you'll discover installation and additional information there
All methods and usage instructions provided here are designed according to that i needs. If you have any suggestions or feedback to improve them, it would be highly appreciated and
I hope there's someone who is kind-hearted and compassionate to build a Web App/UI application like a dedicated tool for cquery, with a textarea (for query input) and a table container to show the results, much like the cquery playground for running raw cquery, if someone is ready, i will create an API for it, and start to develop more logic on Parser class
Cquery is an acronym for crawl query, used to extract text from an HTML element using PHP, simply its tool for crawling/scraping web page. It called a query, as it adopts the structure present in an SQL query, so you can analogize that your DOM/HTML Document is a table you will query.
Let's play for a moment and figure out how to make website scraping easier, much like crafting a query for a database.
Please keep in mind that I haven't yet reached a beta/stable release for this library, so the available features are still very limited.
I would greatly accept any support/contribution from everyone. See CONTRIBUTING.md for help getting started.
- Manipulate Query Result
- Multiple Requests (to get detail from another url)
- Doing action after page load (click link/submit form)
- Scrape website load by js/ajax with PHP
composer require cacing69/cquery
For example, you have a simple HTML element as shown below.
Click to show HTML : src/Samples/sample.html
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Href Attribute Example</title>
<span id="lorem">
<div class="link valid">
<h1 data-link-from-source="/url-1" id="title-id-1" class="class-title-1">Title 1</h1>
<a class="ini vip class-1" data-custom-attr-id="12" href="http://ini-url-1.com">Href Attribute Example 1
<div class="link">
<h1 ref-id="23" id="title-id-2" class="class-title-1">Title 2</h1>
<a class="vip class-2 nih tenied" data-custom-attr-id="212" href="http://ini-url-2.com">
Href Attribute Example 2
<p>Lorem pilsum</p>
<div class="link">
<h1 id="title-id-3" class="class-title-1">Title 3</h1>
<a class="premium class-3" data-custom-attr-id="122" regex-test="a-abc-ab" href="http://ini-url-3.com">Href Attribute Example 4</a>
<div class="link">
<h1>Title 11</h1>
<a class="vip class-1 super blocked" data-custom-attr-id="132" regex-test="a-192-ab" href="http://ini-url-11.com">Href Attribute Example 78</a>
<div class="link">
<h1>Title 22</h1>
<a class="preview itu class-2 vip blocked" data-custom-attr-id="712" regex-test="b-12-ac" href="http://ini-url-22.com">Href Attribute Example 90</a>
<div class="link">
<h1>Title 323</h1>
<a class="nied premium class-3 blocked" data-custom-attr-id="132" href="http://ini-url-33-1.com">Href Attribute Example 5</a>
<div class="link pending">
<h1>Title 331</h1>
<a class="premium class-31 ended" data-custom-attr-id="121" regex-test="zx-1223-ac" customer-id="18" href="http://ini-url-33-2.com">Href Attribute Example 51</a>
<div class="link pending">
<h1>Title 331</h1>
<a class="test-1-item" data-custom-attr-id="121" customer-id="16" href="http://ini-url-33-2.com">Href Attribute Example 51</a>
<div class="link pending">
<a class="premium class-32 denied" data-custom-attr-id="1652" customer-id="17" href="http://ini-url-33-0.com">Href Attribute Example 52</a>
<a href="https://www.freecodecamp.org/contribute/">The freeCodeCamp Contribution Page
<p>Copyright 2023</p>
Lists of method you are can used for query in html
method | example | description |
from($selector) |
from('.content') |
Used to set the source of the main element that will be used for querying |
define(...$string) |
define() |
- |
first() |
first() |
To retrieve first item query results. |
get() |
get() |
To retrieve collection from query results. |
raw(string) |
raw('from... define... filter...') |
To get data based on raw cquery. |
filter() |
filter() |
- |
getSource() |
getSource() |
- |
orFilter() |
orFilter() |
- |
onContentLoaded(function($browser)) |
onContentLoaded() |
- |
eachItem(function($item, $index)) |
eachItem() |
- |
onObtainedResult(function($results)) |
onObtainedResult() |
- |
Below are the expressions you are can use, they may change over time.
function | example | description |
attr(attrName, selector) |
attr(class, .link) |
will retrieve all class value present on the element/container according to the selector. (.link) |
length(selector) |
length(h1) |
will retrieve all length string on the element/container according to the selector. (h1) |
lower(selector) |
lower(h1) |
will change text to lowercase element/container according to the selector. (h1) |
upper(selector) |
upper(h1) |
will change text to uppercase element/container according to the selector. (h1) |
str(selector) |
str(h1) |
will parse element content to string (h1) |
int(selector) |
int(h1) |
will parse element content to integer (h1) |
float(selector) |
float(h1) |
will parse element content to float (h1) |
reverse(selector) |
reverse(h1) |
will reverse text according to the selector. (h1) |
replace(from, to, selector) |
replace('lorem', 'ipsum', h1) |
will change text from lorem to ipsum according to the selector (h1). have 3 option to use that replace('lorem', 'ipsum', h1) replace(['lorem', 'dolor'], ['ipsum', 'sit'], h1) replace(['lorem', 'ipsum'], 'ipsum', h1) it used single tick on argument/param |
append(selectorParent) |
append(title) as main_title |
will append single element as new key on element each item outsoide main source. |
append_node(selectorParent, selectorChildAfterParent) |
append_node(div > .tags, a) as tags |
will append array element as a child each item, for its usage, you can refer to the sample code below in $result_4. |
Below are the functions you are can use, they may change over time.
Note: nested function has been supported.
# | example | key_result | description |
1 | h1 |
h1 |
- |
2 | h1 > 1 |
h1_a |
- |
3 | h1 > 1 as title |
title |
- |
4 | append_node(div > .tags, a) as _tags.key |
_tags[key] |
it will be append element as array each element |
5 | append_node(div > .tags, a) as tags.*.text |
tags[0]['text'] |
* the star symbol signifies all elements at the index. it will be append new key (in this case text ) each array element |
Note: nested filter not supported yet.
operator | example | description |
(= or ==) |
filter("h1", "=", "99") |
retrieve data according to elements that only have the same value = 99 |
=== |
filter("h1", "===", "99") |
retrieve data according to elements that only have the same and identic with value = 99 |
< |
filter("attr(id, a)", "<", 99) |
retrieve data according to elements that only have values smaller than 99 |
<= |
filter("attr(id, a)", "<=", 99) |
get data from elements with values that are lesser than or equal to 99 |
> |
filter("attr(id, a)", ">", 99) |
get data from elements with values that are greater than 99 |
>= |
filter("attr(id, a)", ">=", 99) |
Get data from elements with values that are greater than or equal 99 |
(<> or !=) |
filter("attr(id, a)", "!=", 99) |
get data from elements that are not equal to 99 |
!== |
filter("attr(id, a)", "!==", 99) |
get data from elements that are not equal or they are not the same type to 99 |
has |
filter("attr(class, a)", "has", "foo") |
get data from elements that only have class "foo" |
regex |
filter("attr(class, a)", "regex", "/[a-z]+\-[0-9]+\-[a-z]+/im") |
get data from elements that match the given regex pattern only, with the provided pattern being (a-192-ab, b-12-ac, zx-1223-ac) |
like |
filter("attr(class, a)", "like", "%foo%") filter("attr(class, a)", "like", "%foo") filter("attr(class, a)", "like", "foo%") |
retrieve data according to elements and value criteria. %foo% = anything containing the phrase "foo" %foo = all sentences ending with "foo" foo% = all sentences starting with "foo" |
So, let's start scraping this website.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$html = file_get_contents("src/Samples/sample.html");
$data = new Cacing69\Cquery\Cquery($html);
$result = $query
->from("#lorem .link") // next will be from("(#lorem .link) as el")
"h1 as title",
"a as description",
"attr(href, a) as url", // get href attribute from all element at #lorem .link a
"attr(class, a) as class"
// just imagine this is your table, and every element as your column
->filter("attr(class, a)", "has", "vip") // add some filter here
// ->orFilter("attr(class, a)", "has", "super") // add another condition its has OR condition SQL
// ->filter("attr(class, a)", "has", "blocked") // add another condition its has AND condition SQL
->get(); // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
or u can use raw method
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$html = file_get_contents("src/Samples/sample.html");
$data = new Cacing69\Cquery\Cquery($html);
$result = $query
from (#lorem .link)
h1 as title,
a as description,
attr(href, a) as url,
attr(class, a) as class
attr(class, a) has 'vip'
And here are the results
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Cacing69\Cquery\Definer;
$html = file_get_contents("src/Samples/sample.html");
$data = new Cacing69\Cquery\Cquery($html);
$result_1 = $data
->from("#lorem .link")
"upper(h1) as title_upper",
new Definer( "a", "col_2", function($value) use ($date) {
return "{$value} fetched on: {$date}";
->filter("attr(class, a)", "has", "vip")
->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
// another example, filter with closure
$result_2 = $data
->from("#lorem .link")
->define("reverse(h1) as title", "attr(href, a) as url")
->filter("h1", function ($e) {
return $e->text() === "Title 3";
->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
// another example, to load data from url used browserkit
$url = "https://free-proxy-list.net/";
$data = new Cquery($url);
$result_3 = $data
"td:nth-child(1) as ip_address",
"td:nth-child(4) as country",
"td:nth-child(7) as https",
)->filter('td:nth-child(7)', "=", "no")
->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
// another example, to load data from url used browserkit
$url = "http://quotes.toscrape.com/";
$data = new Cquery($url);
$result_4 = $data
->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
"span.text as text",
"span:nth-child(2) > small as author",
"append_node(div > .tags, a) as tags",
->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
// another example, to load data from url used browserkit
$url = "http://quotes.toscrape.com/";
$data = new Cquery($url);
$result_5 = $data
->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
"span.text as text",
"append_node(div > .tags, a) as tags.key", // grab child `a` on element `div > .tags` and place it into tags['key']
->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
// another example, to load data from url used browserkit
$url = "http://quotes.toscrape.com/";
$data = new Cquery($url);
$result_6 = $data
->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
"span.text as text",
"append_node(div > .tags, a) as _tags",
"append_node(div > .tags, a) as tags.*.text",
"append_node(div > .tags, attr(href, a)) as tags.*.url", // [*] means each index, for now ots limitd only one level
->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
// how to use replace with single string
$content = file_get_contents(SAMPLE_HTML);
$data = new Cquery($content);
$result = $data
->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
"replace('The', 'Lorem', span.text) as text",
// how to use replace with array arguments
$data_2 = new Cquery($content);
$result = $data_2
->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
"replace(['The', 'are'], ['Please ', 'son'], span.text) as text",
// "replace(['The', 'are'], ['Please'], span.text) as text", // or you can do this if just want to use single replacement
// how to use replace with array arguments and single replacement
$data_3 = new Cquery($simpleHtml);
$result = $data_3
->from("#lorem .link")
->define("replace(['Title', '331'], 'LOREM', h1) as title")
- Each Item Closure
...->eachItem(function ($el, $i){})
or...->eachItem(function ($el){})
Example :
...->eachItem(function ($item, $i){
$item["price"] = $i == 2 ? 1000 : $resultDetail["price"];
return $item;
Basically, you have the ability to execute any action on each item. In the given example, it will insert a new key, "price" into each item, and if the index equals 2 (third item), it will assign a price of 1000.
- On Obtained Results Closure
...->onObtainedResults(function ($results){})
Example :
...->onObtainedResults(function ($results){
// u can do any operation here
return array_map(function ($_item) use ($results) {
$_item["sub"] = [
"foo" => "bar"
return $_item;
}, $results);
Basically, this is the array produced by the query's result, and you have the flexibility to perform any manipulations on them. For another example i've included an example, particularly for cases where you need to load different details from another page for each entry, u can check it here Check async multiple request
If there's a scenario like this, you need to load the details, and the details are on a different URL, which means you have to load every page.You should use a client that can perform non-blocking requests, such as amphp/http-client, guzzle, phpreact/http or used curl_multi_init in oop ways for curl u should check php-curl-class
I suggest using phpreact by making async requests.
use Cacing69\Cquery\Cquery;
use React\EventLoop\Loop;
use React\Http\Browser;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
$url = "http://www.classiccardatabase.com/postwar-models/Cadillac.php";
$data = new Cquery($url);
$loop = Loop::get();
$client = new Browser($loop);
// detail is on another page
$result = $data
".car-model-link > a as name",
"replace('../', 'http://www.classiccardatabase.com/', attr(href, .car-model-link > a)) as url",
->filter("attr(href, .car-model-link > a)", "!=", "#")
->onObtainedResults(function ($results) use ($loop, $client){
// I've come across a maximum threshold of 25 chunk, when I input 30, there is some null data.
$results = array_chunk($results, 25);
foreach ($results as $key => $_chunks) {
foreach ($_chunks as $_key => $_result) {
->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) use (&$results, $key, $_key) {
$detail = new Cquery((string) $response->getBody());
$resultDetail = $detail
".specleft tr:nth-child(1) > td.data as price"
$results[$key][$_key]["price"] = $resultDetail["price"];
return $results;
Here's a comparison when utilizing phpreact.
without phpreact
with phpreact
In this scenario, there are 320 rows of data, and each detail will be loaded, which means there will a lot of HTTP requests made to fetch the individual details.
1. Submit FormIf you need to submit data to retrieve another data for scraping, you'll need to deal with this case.
- case 1 : without crawler object
$url = "https://user-agents.net/random";
$data = new Cquery($url);
$result = $data
->onContentLoaded(function (HttpBrowser $browser) {
$browser->submitForm("Generate random list", [
"limit" => 5,
return $browser;
->from("section > article")
"ol > li > a as user_agent",
Using this code above, you'll perform a form submission while setting the limit (according to input name) to 5 in the data.
- case 2 : with crawler object
Let's simulate on Wikipedia and then perform a search with the phrase 'sambas,' to see if the results match with a manual search.
$url = "https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halaman_Utama";
$data = new Cquery($url);
$result = $data
->onContentLoaded(function (HttpBrowser $browser, Crawler $crawler) {
// This is a native function available in the dom-crawler.
$form = new Form($crawler->filter("#searchform")->getNode(0), $url);
$browser->submit($form, [
"search" => "sambas",
return $browser;
"title as title",
web page
page source
- Click Link If you want to click a link on a loaded page, please observe the code below.
click that link before start scraping
$url = "https://semver.org/";
$data = new Cquery($url);
$result = $data
->onContentLoaded(function (HttpBrowser $browser, Crawler $crawler) {
$browser->clickLink("Bahasa Indonesia (id)");
return $browser;
"h2 as text",
result click link
If the web page to be scraped uses JavaScript and AJAX handling for its data, then you need to add Panther-loader for cquery.
install composer-panther-loader
composer require cacing69/cquery-panther-loader
A full list of methods with example code can be found in the tests.
I've recently started building this, and if anyone is interested,I would certainly appreciate a lot of feedback from everyone who has read/seen my little project, in any way (issue, pull request or whatever).However, right now I'm considering making it better to be more flexible and user-friendly for website scraping.
This is just the beginning, and I will continue to develop it as long as I can
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.