The event management module allows you to manage event details and registrations from within the CMS.

- Allow people to register, view their registration details and un-register for events.
- Attach multiple ticket types to each event. Each ticket can have its own price, go on sale in different time ranges and have different quantities available.
- Hold event tickets during the registration process to ensure they are available.
- Require email confirmation for confirming free event registrations, or canceling a registration.
- Send registered users a notification email when event details change.
- Generate ticket files that a user can download and print.
- Invite people to the event, either from member groups or from past events.
- Send reminder emails a fixed time before an event starts.
- Andrew Short ([email protected])
- Jeremy Shipman ([email protected])
- SilverStripe 3.1+
- The Event Calendar module.
- The MultiForm module.
- The ItemSetField module.
- Optionally requires the Omnipay module for collecting payments with registration.
- Optionally requires the Queued Jobs module for sending out event reminder emails.
See Installation.