A minimalistic area card to have a control panel of your house on your dashboard. This card will show numeric sensors with its value, and binary sensors with only the icon. Switches and lights will have their own button that you can tap/click to toggle, or tap/click and hold to see detailed information.
Please consider sponsoring if you feel that this project is somehow useful to you.
For entity options, see https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/entities/#options-for-entities.
For tap_action
options, see https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/actions/.
- type: custom:minimalistic-area-card
title: Living Room
image: /local/img/living-room.jpg #any image file on /config/www or an absolute image url. optional, it uses area image if area is specified. (optional)
area: living_room # area id of an existing area defined in HA. (optional)
background_color: yellow # a color name, rgb hex or rgba function when an image is not provided (optional)
camera_image: camera.living_room # a camera entity to use as background (optional)
camera_view: 'auto' # auto, live (optional)
shadow: true # Draws a drop shadow on icons (optional)
hide_unavailable: false # Hide unavailable entities (optional)
state_color: true # enable or disable HA colors for all entities
action: navigate
navigation_path: /lovelace/living-room
entities: #optional, lists area entities automatically if ommited.
- entity: media_player.living_room_tv
state_color: false # enable or disable HA colors for this entity
- entity: switch.fireplace_on_off
- entity: cover.window_covering
action: toggle
- entity: media_player.speaker
- entity: light.living_room_lamp
- entity: sensor.hallway_humidity
- entity: sensor.hallway_temperature