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StephaneG edited this page Dec 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the DesktopBrailleRAP wiki!

has the story of the BrailleRAP project become longer, the need of a blog start to become essential. BrailleRAP is a strange thing, many of you see it as a pure technical object. And in fact it is, just another machine with mechanics and software. On the other hand, the question is, what can you do with a BrailleRAP ? what kind of activities you can do with a Braille machine ? will you discuss about mechanics, electronics, software ? or accessibility, experiment, sharing, collaboration, pragmatic solution ? This blog is just started to take trace of all the moment we shared all together around this project.

The first article will be about an experiment around the usage of pattern filling for making tangible documents, and you can find it here

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