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Releases: bomquote/transistor

pypi 0.2.4 release

03 Aug 20:20
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If following the example in documentation using newt.db then we must use RelStorage<=2.1.1 during install.


03 Dec 08:51
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Fixed a bug in BaseWorker.load_items() method which previously resulted
in losing scrape data when the number of workers did not equal the number
of tasks. Now, using any number of workers or pool size will result in
consistent export/save results. While scrape time will change proportional
to the number of workers assigned. Wrote tests to ensure the same.


29 Nov 06:48
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Added url parameter to the WorkGroup which is a bit more attractive
API, instead of including the URL in a kwarg. The reason why the URL was
originally included as a kwarg is that depending on how the custom
Spider is set up, the URL may already be specified, and it is redundant to
specify it again. But for API clarity sake, now we just insist the URL is
specified in the WorkGroup. At least, it is easier to read at a quick glance.


29 Nov 05:48
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Many API breaking changes.


17 Nov 08:28
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  • standardized SplashScraper attributes: auth, baseurl, browser, cookies,
    crawlera_user, http_session_timeout, http_session_valid, LUA_SOURCE,
    max_retries, name, number, referrer, searchurl, splash_args, user_agent.
  • now, nearly all of the SplashScraper attributes can be set via **kwargs if desired
  • when initializing a StatefulBook instance, use a **kwarg called keywords to set
    the name of the spreadsheet column heading which contains the target search terms.
    For example: keywords='titles' or keywords='part_numbers'. Defaults to "item".

First tagged/PyPI'd version

12 Nov 17:49
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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'