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Bernard Niset edited this page Mar 15, 2023 · 3 revisions

Mimus Serve


Minus Serve is a clone of Wiremock, but with added features.


Command Line Usage


Request Matching

  • URL, URL pattern, URL path, and URL path pattern matching
  • Header matching
  • Cookie matching
  • Matching attributes based on equality, case-insensitivity, contains, regex match, absence, and JSON Path
  • Presence matching

Request Matching

Response Templating

Response Templating

Advanced Features

  • Templating with JSONata
  • Dataset support with processing. (Datasets)


Features from WireMock not yet implemented in Minus Serve:

  • Multipart/form-data request matching
  • Binary equality request matching
  • JSON equality request matching
  • XML equality request matching
  • XPATH request matching
  • Basic authentication request matching
  • Date and time request matching
  • Logical AND and OR request matching
  • Per-stub random delays in stubbing.