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Plugin Development
Please visit the Dicoogle Learning Pack for up-to-date guidelines on Plugin Development.
Dicoogle is extendable in deployment time, thanks to its plugin-based architecture.
In order to integrate additional features over Dicoogle, you may create your own plugin set. A PluginSet
is a composition of plugins developed with the intent of supporting a given functionality. There are 5 particular types of plugins:
- Storage plugins are responsible for storing and retrieving data. A basic implementation would keep files in the local file system, but Dicoogle can be extended to support remote storage with plugins of this type.
- Indexer plugins implement index generation. A fully deployed instance of Dicoogle should have at least one DICOM indexer.
- Query plugins provide a means of querying the indexed data. Often a query provider is coupled with a particular indexer, and are bundled together in the plugin set.
- Jetty Service plugins support the attachment of Eclipse jetty servlets, so as to host new web services in Dicoogle.
- Rest Web Service plugins contain a Restlet server resource that can be attached to Dicoogle, also for hosting web services.
- Web User Interface Plugins, unlike other kinds of plugins, are developed in JavaScript and provide new UI components that are automatically loaded into Dicoogle's web application. For further details, see the Dicoogle Web Core documentation.
Graphical plugins, which were based on Java Swing components, are no longer supported. For extending the user interface, please develop web plugins instead.
Here is a list of tasks frequently performed when developing plugins for Dicoogle.
As mentioned above, this is done with a plugin set. Create a class that implements PluginSet
and apply the @PluginImplementation
annotation on the class, which allows the plugin framework to fetch the set from the core platform. The constructors should create one instance of each plugin intended, and the plugin getters should provide an immutable list of plugins. When a plugin set does not provide any plugins of a certain type, the respective getter should return an empty list (such as Collections.EMPTY_LIST
). Moreover, name getters should provide a simple, unique name for all plugins of that type. For instance, a query provider and indexer can share the same name, but two distinct query providers can not.
public class MyPluginSet implements PluginSet {
// use slf4j for logging purposes
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyPluginSet.class);
// You can list each of our plugins as an attribute to the plugin set
private final MyQueryProvider query;
// Additional resources may be added here.
private ConfigurationHolder settings;
public MyPluginSet() throws IOException {
logger.info("Initializing My Plugin Set");
// construct all plugins here
this.query = new MyQueryProvider();
logger.info("My Plugin Set is ready");
public Collection<QueryInterface> getQueryPlugins() {
return Collections.singleton((QueryInterface) this.query);
public String getName() {
return "mine";
// ... implement the remaining methods
Interactions with the core platform are made via the PlatformInterface
. This is the top-level API of Dicoogle that is exposed to other plugins.
In order to obtain this platform interface, plugins (or the plugin set) need to implement the interface PlatformCommunicatorInterface
. The method setPlatformProxy
declared therein behaves like a callback, which will be called by the platform shortly after the plugin is loaded. Usually, plugins can simply pass the argument into an attribute for future use:
public class MyQueryPlugin
implements QueryInterface, PlatformCommunicatorInterface
private DicooglePlatformInterface platform;
// ... other content
void setPlatformProxy(DicooglePlatformInterface platform) {
this.platform = platform;
There should be at least one DIM content provider in a deployed instance of Dicoogle. Let us assume that the plugin is named "lucene". First retrieve the appropriate QueryInterface
, then call the query method with the intended query. For DICOM meta-data providers, the query should follow the Apache Lucene query language.
QueryInterface provider = this.platform.getQueryPlugin("lucene");
Iterable<SearchResult> results = provider.query("Modality:CT AND AXIAL");
for (SearchResult res: results) {
// use results
The outcome is a sequence of search results, which is possibly lazy. You should not traverse the outcome more than once. In order to manipulate the list further, please save the results into a list such as ArrayList
At the moment, plugins that rely on DICOM content are recommended to support a configurable DIM query source, rather than hard-coding "lucene" as the provider. Future versions of Dicoogle should provide a means to retrieve the default DIM query source directly from the core platform, as this is a planned feature.
Dicoogle provides an abstraction for accessing files from any kind of data source. Instead of using standard Java I/O APIs, plugins should retrieve the appropriate storage interface (StorageInterface
class). Once with the intended storage, the method at
can be used to obtain a sequence of all files at the given location.
URI uri = ...;
StorageInterface store = this.platform.getStorageForSchema(uri);
Iterable<StorageInputStream> files = store.at(uri);
is an abstraction for files in a storage (like a blob of data, not necessarily in the file system), from which a raw input stream can be retrieved.
First query the DIM provider for the file with that UID, then retrieve the URI from the search result:
String uid = "";
QueryInterface dimProvider = this.platform.getQueryProviderByName("lucene", true);
Iterator<SearchResult>> results = dimProvider.("SOPInstanceUID:" + uid).iterator();
if (results.hasNext()) {
SearchResult res = results.next();
URI uri = res.getURI();
Iterable<StorageInputStream> files = this.platform.getStorageForSchema(uri).at(uri);
// use files
} else {
// no such file
All plugins and plugin sets implement the method setSettings
, which is also similar to a callback. The platform will call this method with a configuration holder after instantiation.
A typical implementation of this method should save the configuration holder to an attribute and check that the settings are ok. Fetching the actual settings currently yields an Apache Commons 1.x XmlConfiguration
object (a user guide can be read here). The method may also write missing fields with default values.
public void setSettings(ConfigurationHolder configurationHolder) {
this.settings = configurationHolder;
XmlConfiguration configuration = this.settings.getConfiguration();
try {
// required field, will throw if missing
String uid = configuration.getString("service-uid");
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
logger.warn("Failed to configure plugin: required fields are missing!", ex);
// optional field, default is 1
int numResources = configuration.getInt("num-resources", 1);
configuration.setProperty("num-resources", numResources); // write field
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
logger.warn("Failed to save configurations!", ex);
this.uid = uid;
this.numResources = numResources;
// And don't forget to implement `getSettings()`!
public ConfigurationHolder getSettings() {
return this.settings;
Also note that, in the latest version of Dicoogle, the plugin will be disabled if this method throws an unchecked exception.
Web services are one of the most flexible ways of expanding Dicoogle with new features. Currently, there are two ways to achieve this:
Jetty Servlets can be created and registered using a plugin of type
. Create your own servlets (seeHttpServlet
), then attach them into a handler list ingetJettyHandlers
public HandlerList getJettyHandlers() {
// encapsulate servlets into holders, then add them to handlers.
ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler();
handler.addServlet(new ServletHolder(this.webService), "/hello");
// you can retrieve plugin-scoped resources
URL url = RSIJettyPlugin.class.getResource("/WEBAPP");
String directoryToServeAssets = url.toString();
// web app contexts are more appropriate for serving web pages
final WebAppContext webpages = new WebAppContext(directoryToServeAssets, "/dashboardSample");
webpages.setInitParameter("org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.Default.dirAllowed", "true"); // disables directory listing
webpages.setWelcomeFiles(new String[]{"index.html"});
// add all handlers to a handler list and return it
HandlerList l = new HandlerList();
return l;
Rest Service plugins consider a subset of the Restlet framework API, allowing developers to create and attach simple server resources. Their integration is simpler, although more brittle. A proposal for better Restlet support is currently in review. In the mean time, server resources can be implemented and integrated by creating a new
like this:
public class RSIWebResource extends ServerResource {
public Representation test() {
StringRepresentation sr = new StringRepresentation("{\"name\":\"rsi\"}");
return sr;
// You can handle all CRUD operations. More information in the Restlet documentation.
/** `toString` defines the service endpoint. */
public String toString() {
return "service/endpoint/test";
In either case, do not forget to register all plugins in the plugin set.