Phonegap installation steps
Install node.js -
Install phonegap -
npm install -g phonegap
(If throwing error check if you are behind proxy) -
set Proxy with the following command -
npm config set proxy
npm config set https-proxy
if you have username password set
npm config set proxy http://login:pass@host:port
npm config set https-proxy http://login:pass@host:port
Install cordova -
npm install -g cordova
Install ant -
Download the .zip for the binaries from Extract the binaries on the path C:java\ant\ where [java] and [ant] would be self created folders you can store in any directory structure of your preference.
- Set path variable for ant
To set up the variables › Right Click My Computer › Click Properties › Click Advanced system settings › Click Environment Variables › Click Path > Add the path value in it.
Install android sdk
Set path variable for android sdk pointing to platform-tools and tools as above set (6)
Create a workspace for phonegap
Open command promp
Traverse to workspace folder
Now create first Phone Gap app
cordova create MyFirstPhoneGap com.myapp.helloworld Hello
Traverse to project folder EX:
cd Hello
Set Environment for Android/IOS
cordova platform add android
To build phonegap app with Android/IOS
cordova build android
Start the emulator
To run Android/IOS App
cordova run android
Voila, Now your first application is developed.
Open www folder in your favourite editor and start working around the index.html page to have fun for start.
Tips and Tricks
Try Using as HTML Editor
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