有一款 ESP32,内置一块 2.8 英寸、分辨率为 320×240 的液晶显示屏,并带有触摸屏,其型号为 “ESP32 - 2432S028R”。由于这个名称念起来不太顺口,我建议将它重新命名为 “廉价黄色显示屏”,简称 CYD。这块显示屏含运费仅约 15 美元,所以我觉得性价比真的很高。
CYD 具有以下特点:
- ESP32(支持无线和蓝牙)
- 320×240 液晶显示屏(2.8 英寸)
- 触摸屏(电阻式)
- 用于供电和编程的 USB 接口
- SD 卡插槽、LED 以及一些额外引出的引脚
- 刚开始接触硬件工作的人 - 由于所有部件都已连接好,无需焊接或添加额外组件。
- 熟悉硬件操作但比较懒的人 - (比如我)有时候,你只是想做一个项目,而不必组装任何硬件。
- 那些并非真心想学习什么,只是想做出一些很酷的东西的人 - 稍后再详细介绍这个。
几年前,我发布了ESP32 Trinity,这是一款用于控制矩阵面板的开源ESP32开发板。我认为,人们从我在Trinity上所做的工作中获得的主要益处并非硬件本身,而是相关文档、示例代码以及现成可用的项目。
Buy from wherever works out cheapest for you:
- Aliexpress*
- Aliexpress*
- Aliexpress
- Makerfabs - 它似乎配备一张16GB的SD卡。Makerfabs也有我的ESP32 Trinity产品(注意,从Makerfabs向欧盟进口会产生进口费用 )
* = 联盟链接
For details on how to get started with your CYD, please check out the Setup and Configuration page 有关如何开始使用CYD的详细信息,请查看设置与配置页面。
The basics examples are based on the TFT_eSPI display library, but the CYD also works with other display libraries too. Here is some example code if you prefer to use an alternative Arduino library. Check them out here.
Some examples for using the CYD in ESPHome. Check them out here.
Join the CYD discussion on my Discord channel
Some examples of 3D printed stands and cases. Check them out here.
This page contains information about what pins are used where, and what ones are free to use.
This page contains information about additional hardware add-ons that can add functionality to your CYD
This page contains information about how to troubleshoot your CYD device
This page contains information about some hardware mods that can be performed on the CYD to improve or change some of its functionality
This page lists any times the CYD project was mentioned somewhere!
This project is licensed as MIT as per the license file
The one exception to this is the OriginalDocumentation folder, that I do not have the right to license
Some members of the community have ported some of this information to other languages!
Please note: I can't gaurantee the accuracy of the translation, how up to date they are or the content on them in general.
If you would like to contribure a translation, please name the repo with the language name or code in the repo name and you can link it here.
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