An insanely simple color generating tool for Python
, because matplotlib
is awesome, but not worth importing the elephant, and colour
's functionality is terrific, but for some ungodly reason adds colors to its gradients.
There's no install, so you're going to have to either:
- Throw it into your
or - Hack it into one of your
files (if you're not sure how to do this, email me)
###Quick RBG to hex (and vice versa)
import color_gen
import numpy
import pandas
#make some random rgb colors
rgb = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.random.random_integers(low = 0, high = 255, size = (100, 3)), columns = ['r', 'g', 'b'])
hex_colors = color_gen.RGB_to_hex(rgb)
###Make a two stop gradient
two_stop = color_gen.linear_gradient(start_hex = '#7ecba2', finish_hex = '#d0ef37', n = 20)
###make a three stop with white in the middle
three_stop = color_gen.three_stop_gradient(start_hex = '#7ecba2', finish_hex = '#d0ef37',
n = 20)