This release is sort of half-way between major and minor:
- Decimation is now available through the
flag, reduces cpu resource cost at the expense of sensitivity, factors between 2 and 8 still seem to provide reasonably good sensitivity at full bandwidth. Will require simulation to determine effective sensitivity (coming soon). - Some minor refactoring in SCM and IDM packet handlers.
- Whole blocks of samples are now read and buffered from
- ae0364d Merge branch 'decimation'
- 07607af Refactor message unpacking in SCM and IDM.
- 7f05214 Add decimation factor checking. Clarify warning.
- 8f3cb52 Apply gofmt to everything.
- 04d73e4 Update logging to include decimated configuration.
- de4bffe Fix csum length.
- 953f371 Move R900 message statement.
- 22906a5 Update link in README to point to gh-pages documentation.
- 3bd0a4e Update flags in README.
- efea189 Implement decimation in AlphaMaxBetaMinLUT.
- 3a29e9b Implement decimation in R900 decoder.
- 586359c Move decimation to demodulator, only MagLUT for now.
- 1373ceb Fix block read, reads might span writes to the pipe.
- 588ef52 Read whole blocks from server concurrently with io.Pipe().
- f782879 Remove config debugging statements.
- c2855e7 Implement decimation, except in R900 decoder.
- f3d51f2 Update compatible meter table location.
- 3249c73 Move compatible meter table to csv format.