Release 1.4.0
New Features:
- multiple key sort and search
- scroll to top props (
) - scroll on render (
) - limit prop support interval
- PlainList component for simple listing
- groupSorted similar to sort prop
Bug Fixes:
- direct state change when reversing
- forwarded ref failing on unmounting
some props will go away in future releases. They have just been renamed:
- showGroupSeparatorAtTheBottom => groupSeparatorAtTheBottom
- searchableMinCharactersCount => searchMinCharactersCount
- sortDesc=> sortDescending
- sortGroupBy => groupSortedBy
- sortGroupDesc => groupSortedDescending
- sortGroupCaseInsensitive => groupSortedCaseInsensitive
- group.limit => group.of
- group.sortDescending => group.sortedDescending
- group.sortBy => group.sortedBy
- group.sortCaseInsensitive => group.sortedCaseInsensitive
- search.everyWord => search.onEveryWord