Check instructions using specific extension in DLL/EXE files.
Check SSE4 instructions in Mydll.dll and dll dependencies :
Analyser.exe Mydll.dll SSE4
Check SSE4 and AVX instructions in Mydll.dll and dll dependencies :
Analyser.exe Mydll.dll SSE4 AVX
Check SSE4 instructions in Mydll.dll and dll dependencies, look for dependencies in "C:\DEPENDENCIES_PATH\" :
Analyser.exe Mydll.dll SSE4 -wd "C:\DEPENDENCIES_PATH\"
Check SSE4 instructions in Mydll.dll only :
Analyser.exe Mydll.dll SSE4 -nodep
Check SSE4 instructions in Mydll.dll and dll dependencies, log extra info :
Analyser.exe Mydll.dll SSE4 -verbose
Log available extensions :
Execute Project/GenerateSolution.bat to generate Visual Studio 2017 solution. For other versions of Visual Studio you will need to recompile Intel Xed lib.
ExtensionAnalyser uses Intel Xed to decode binary files.