An example on how to use kotlin for creating a clean architectured fullstack web application.
Targets to achieve on this project
- Write backend and frontend code in kotlin and use shared logic
- Use the Gradle DSL
- Use the React UI library
- Use the global state for the frontend
- Grade multi project setup
- Shared multiplatform project
- Simple backend with Ktor
- Simple frontend with React in Kotlin/JS
- Use the backend to serve the frontend scripts
- Global store
- Auto reload
- Redux or something else for the global state
- Fetch some data from the backend
- Implement some UI routing
- Websocket communication between backend and frontend
Project is configured as multilevel gradle project containing backend
, frontend
and shared
Adding the final file compiled with webpack to the distributed JAR-file was somehow tricky.
TODO: Up to date check had to be disabled because it wasn't taking changes from the :frontend:browserWebpack
TODO: Automatic detection of the script filename
val jar = tasks.findByName("jar") as Jar
jar.apply {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
doFirst {
val frontend = project(":frontend")
val browserWebpack = frontend.tasks.named<KotlinWebpack>("browserWebpack")
val file = File(browserWebpack.get().destinationDirectory, "frontend.js")
A gradle task to run the backend was taken from the Kotlin Multiplatform project template and rewritten in Gradle DSL.
tasks.register<JavaExec>("run") {
main = "com.bdudelsack.fullstack.ApplicationKt"
classpath(configurations["runtimeClasspath"].resolvedConfiguration.files, jar.archiveFile.get().toString())
args = listOf()
I had to found out that React.createContext
do fail with an error:
> Task :frontend:compileKotlinJs FAILED
e: /home/bdudelsack/Projects/kotlin-fullstack-example/frontend/src/main/kotlin/com.bdudelsack.fullstack/Application.kt: (10, 11): When accessing module declarations from UMD, they must be marked by both @JsModule and @JsNonModule
the solution is to instuct Kotlin/JS compiler to use CommonJS output.
kotlin {
target {
/* ... */
The frontend module can be started in auto reload mode with the following command.
./gradlew :frontend:run -t
It seems not to work yet and fails with following error.
> Task :shared:jsPackageJson UP-TO-DATE
> Task :frontend:packageJson UP-TO-DATE
> Task :kotlinNodeJsSetup SKIPPED
> Task :kotlinNpmInstall
> Task :shared:compileKotlinJs UP-TO-DATE
> Task :shared:jsProcessResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :shared:jsMainClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :shared:jsJar UP-TO-DATE
✖ 「wdm」: Hash: 6513f41ecb91190706be
Version: webpack 4.41.2
Time: 22ms
Built at: 2019-12-10 13:20:36
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
frontend.js 892 KiB main [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = frontend.js
[./kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend.js] 382 bytes {main} [built] [failed] [1 error]
+ 33 hidden modules
ERROR in ./kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend.js
Module build failed (from /home/bdudelsack/Projects/kotlin-fullstack-example/build/js/packages_imported/kotlin-source-map-loader/1.3.61/kotlin-source-map-loader.js):
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/bdudelsack/Projects/kotlin-fullstack-example/build/js/packages/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend/kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend.js'
@ multi ./kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-example-frontend.js main[0]
> Task :frontend:compileKotlinJs
> Task :frontend:processResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :frontend:browserRun
8 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 5 up-to-date