What's Changed
- #1983 - Changed Redis client to ioredis for local development by @andrewsignori-aot in #1996
- #1959 - Staging sims prod environment -Part 1 by @guru-aot in #1987
- #1959 - Staging sims prod environment formio by @guru-aot in #1999
- #1959 - Staging sims prod environment : formio GitHub action build deploy split by @guru-aot in #2000
- #1953 - Request an Offering Change - DB Migrations by @ann-aot in #1995
- #1911 - ECE Response file notification part 1 by @dheepak-aot in #1998
- #1911 - ECE response processing notification part 2 by @dheepak-aot in #2011
- #2003 - Basic e2e tests for the low coverage parts of the application by @andrepestana-aot in #2012
- #1953 - Request an Offering Change - Part 2 by @ann-aot in #2013
- #2017 - Upgrade npm packages to remove warnings accross all projects by @andrepestana-aot in #2023
- #1997 - Upgrade Zeebe node version by @dheepak-aot in #2031
- #1997 - Fix camunda deployments by @dheepak-aot in #2038
- #1953 - Request an Offering Change - Part 3 by @ann-aot in #2037
- Release v1.0.0 to main merge by @andrewsignori-aot in #2046
- #2020 - Remediate high risk vulnerabilities from WAVA report (API Mass Assignment) by @andrewsignori-aot in #2045
- #2033 - Validating FT and PT offering minimum length by @dheepak-aot in #2041
- #2043 - Remove cache for institution type by @dheepak-aot in #2051
- #2020 - WAVA (API Mass Assignment) - Fix location creation by @andrewsignori-aot in #2054
- #1777 - Process msfaa reactivation from federal file (Part 1) by @sh16011993 in #2010
- #2055 - Institution menus not displayed after creation (Business BCeID only) by @andrewsignori-aot in #2056
- #1953 - Request an Offering Change - Part 4 by @ann-aot in #2048
- #2028 - Bugs and further requirements for Institution Portal -> Add Program by @andrepestana-aot in #2052
- #1953 - Request an Offering Change - Fix by @ann-aot in #2065
- #2036 - Fix search issue in the program data table that is using v-data-table search by @ann-aot in #2062
- #2053 - Invalid Education Program Field of Study by @andrewsignori-aot in #2066
- #1882 - Recovery and backup startegy patroni by @guru-aot in #2057
- #1777 - Process MSFAA Cancellation and Reactivation Notification by @sh16011993 in #2063
- #1962 - Favicon replacement by @ann-aot in #2068
- #1658 - Address fields display for institutions and ministry users by @andrewsignori-aot in #2070
- #2027 - Offering form content changes by @dheepak-aot in #2071
- #1777 - Process MSFAA Cancellation Notification e2e tests by @sh16011993 in #2069
- #2074 - Fix the store reference by @dheepak-aot in #2075
- #2020 - WAVA Changes - Fix for the COE Approval by @andrewsignori-aot in #2080
- #1957 - Ministry - Build out the ministry homepage by @ann-aot in #2079
- #2059 - Rename Item in Regulatory Dropdown Field for Institutions by @sh16011993 in #2077
- #2022 - Form.io definitions cache update for releases by @ann-aot in #2084
- #2086 - Enhance regulatory body dropdown by @dheepak-aot in #2088
- #2086 - Fix question repetition by @dheepak-aot in #2090
- #2067 - Patroni creds change from Superuser to Databaseuser in DB Backup by @guru-aot in #2092
Full Changelog: v1.0.1-253...v1.1.0-318