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Add options to disable background and animation; remove Unsplash API key
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ayltai committed Feb 27, 2020
1 parent bce004f commit e0b89a5
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Showing 9 changed files with 390 additions and 308 deletions.
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions DevExcuses.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
archiveVersion = 1;
classes = {
objectVersion = 50;
objectVersion = 52;
objects = {

/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
241F01FA0BFC50E2D06A6568 /* libPods-devexcuses-DevexcusesTest.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7239B59036FBDC9BED38B3E8 /* libPods-devexcuses-DevexcusesTest.a */; };
2D5C42A02407952800A01D6D /* Constants.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 2D5C429F2407952800A01D6D /* Constants.swift */; };
7B480B52223254C00019EB07 /* UnsplashClientTest.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7B480B51223254C00019EB07 /* UnsplashClientTest.swift */; };
7B480B67223264530019EB07 /* User.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E71262FB2080FF78006D94DA /* User.swift */; };
7B480B68223264530019EB07 /* UserLinks.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E71262FD20810014006D94DA /* UserLinks.swift */; };
Expand All @@ -32,6 +33,7 @@

/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
27C93E4E9697D42766097BFE /* Pods-devexcuses.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-devexcuses.release.xcconfig"; path = "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-devexcuses/Pods-devexcuses.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
2D5C429F2407952800A01D6D /* Constants.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Constants.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3E863DF3A0B23534EF450EF5 /* Pods-DevexcusesTest.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-DevexcusesTest.release.xcconfig"; path = "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-DevexcusesTest/Pods-DevexcusesTest.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
539D1BC2C6EE6F55F52398E0 /* Pods-devexcuses-DevexcusesTest.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-devexcuses-DevexcusesTest.release.xcconfig"; path = "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-devexcuses-DevexcusesTest/Pods-devexcuses-DevexcusesTest.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
7239B59036FBDC9BED38B3E8 /* libPods-devexcuses-DevexcusesTest.a */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType =; includeInIndex = 0; path = "libPods-devexcuses-DevexcusesTest.a"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,10 +130,11 @@
children = (
E744BD01209AF690001B8597 /* Config */,
E71262FA2080FF59006D94DA /* Models */,
2D5C429F2407952800A01D6D /* Constants.swift */,
E7CDCC792080F56100A553DF /* DevExcusesView.swift */,
E712630320810241006D94DA /* UnsplashClient.swift */,
E73C70152099B72D0086AADC /* KenBurnsView.swift */,
E70963302081BDD8006B381C /* Extensions.swift */,
E73C70152099B72D0086AADC /* KenBurnsView.swift */,
E712630320810241006D94DA /* UnsplashClient.swift */,
path = Sources;
sourceTree = "<group>";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,7 +252,7 @@
buildConfigurationList = E7CDCC662080F42200A553DF /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "DevExcuses" */;
compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 9.3";
compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 11.0";
developmentRegion = en;
hasScannedForEncodings = 0;
knownRegions = (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,6 +369,7 @@
E7CDCC7A2080F56100A553DF /* DevExcusesView.swift in Sources */,
E71263022081016D006D94DA /* Photo.swift in Sources */,
E744BD03209AF6BA001B8597 /* ConfigSheetController.swift in Sources */,
2D5C42A02407952800A01D6D /* Constants.swift in Sources */,
E712630420810241006D94DA /* UnsplashClient.swift in Sources */,
E7126300208100F3006D94DA /* PhotoUrls.swift in Sources */,
E7C981DB209B3D9700459F44 /* Configs.swift in Sources */,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,7 +553,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.github.ayltai.devexcuses;
PRODUCT_NAME = "Developers Excuses";
Expand All @@ -573,7 +577,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.github.ayltai.devexcuses;
PRODUCT_NAME = "Developers Excuses";
Expand Down
230 changes: 121 additions & 109 deletions DevExcuses/Sources/Config/ConfigSheet.xib

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

75 changes: 61 additions & 14 deletions DevExcuses/Sources/Config/ConfigSheetController.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
import AppKit

@available(OSX 10.15, *)
final class ConfigSheetController: NSWindowController {
private let configs = Configs()

@IBOutlet weak var apiKey : NSTextField?
@IBOutlet weak var darken : NSSlider?
@IBOutlet weak var maxZoom : NSSlider?
@IBOutlet weak var duration : NSPopUpButton?
@IBOutlet weak var videoEnabled : NSButton?
@IBOutlet weak var cameraAppPicker: NSButton?
@IBOutlet weak var cameraAppPath : NSTextField?
@IBOutlet weak var videoSavePicker: NSButton?
@IBOutlet weak var videoSavePath : NSTextField?
@IBOutlet weak var imageTopics : NSTextView?
@IBOutlet weak var backgroundEnabled: NSSwitch?
@IBOutlet weak var animationEnabled : NSSwitch?
@IBOutlet weak var darken : NSSlider?
@IBOutlet weak var maxZoom : NSSlider?
@IBOutlet weak var duration : NSPopUpButton?
@IBOutlet weak var videoEnabled : NSSwitch?
@IBOutlet weak var cameraAppPicker : NSButton?
@IBOutlet weak var cameraAppPath : NSTextField?
@IBOutlet weak var videoSavePicker : NSButton?
@IBOutlet weak var videoSavePath : NSTextField?
@IBOutlet weak var imageTopics : NSTextView?

override var windowNibName: NSNib.Name! {
return "ConfigSheet"
Expand All @@ -21,8 +23,16 @@ final class ConfigSheetController: NSWindowController {
override func windowDidLoad() {

if let apiKey = self.apiKey {
apiKey.stringValue = self.configs.apiKey
if let backgroundEnabled = self.backgroundEnabled {
backgroundEnabled.state = self.configs.backgroundEnabled ? .on : .off

self.toggleBackgroundConfigs(sender: backgroundEnabled)

if let animationEnabled = self.animationEnabled {
animationEnabled.state = self.configs.animationEnabled ? .on : .off

self.toggleAnimationConfigs(sender: animationEnabled)

if let darken = self.darken {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +80,39 @@ final class ConfigSheetController: NSWindowController {

@IBAction func toggleBackgroundConfigs(sender: Any?) {
let backgroundEnabled = self.backgroundEnabled,
let animationEnabled = self.animationEnabled,
let darken = self.darken,
let maxZoom = self.maxZoom,
let imageTopics = self.imageTopics {
if backgroundEnabled.state == .on {
animationEnabled.isEnabled = true
darken.isEnabled = true
maxZoom.isEnabled = true
imageTopics.isEditable = true
} else if backgroundEnabled.state == .off {
animationEnabled.isEnabled = false
darken.isEnabled = false
maxZoom.isEnabled = false
imageTopics.isEditable = false

@IBAction func toggleAnimationConfigs(sender: Any?) {
let animationEnabled = self.animationEnabled,
let maxZoom = self.maxZoom {
if animationEnabled.state == .on {
maxZoom.isEnabled = true
} else if animationEnabled.state == .off {
maxZoom.isEnabled = false

@IBAction func toggleVideoConfigs(sender: Any?) {
let videoEnabled = self.videoEnabled,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,8 +179,12 @@ final class ConfigSheetController: NSWindowController {

@IBAction func ok(sender: Any?) {
if let apiKey = self.apiKey {
self.configs.apiKey = apiKey.stringValue
if let backgroundEnabled = self.backgroundEnabled {
self.configs.backgroundEnabled = backgroundEnabled.state == .on

if let animationEnabled = self.animationEnabled {
self.configs.animationEnabled = animationEnabled.state == .on

if let darken = self.darken {
Expand Down
52 changes: 30 additions & 22 deletions DevExcuses/Sources/Config/Configs.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ import ScreenSaver
final class Configs: NSObject {
public static let videoSavePathSuffix = "/"

private static let apiKey = "api"
private static let darkenKey = "darken"
private static let maxZoomKey = "maxZoom"
private static let durationKey = "duration"
private static let videoEnabledKey = "videoEnabled"
private static let cameraAppPathKey = "cameraAppPath"
private static let videoSavePathKey = "videoSavePath"
private static let imageTopicsKey = "imageTopics"
private static let backgroundEnabledKey = "backgroundEnabled"
private static let animationEnabledKey = "animationEnabled"
private static let darkenKey = "darken"
private static let maxZoomKey = "maxZoom"
private static let durationKey = "duration"
private static let videoEnabledKey = "videoEnabled"
private static let cameraAppPathKey = "cameraAppPath"
private static let videoSavePathKey = "videoSavePath"
private static let imageTopicsKey = "imageTopics"

private let defaults: ScreenSaverDefaults = Configs.defaults()

Expand All @@ -20,17 +21,23 @@ final class Configs: NSObject {

var apiKey: String {
var backgroundEnabled: Bool {
get {
guard let value = self.defaults.string(forKey: Configs.apiKey) else {
return ""
return self.defaults.bool(forKey: Configs.backgroundEnabledKey)

return value
set {
self.set(newValue, forKey: Configs.backgroundEnabledKey)

var animationEnabled: Bool {
get {
return self.defaults.bool(forKey: Configs.animationEnabledKey)

set {
self.set(newValue, forKey: Configs.apiKey)
self.set(newValue, forKey: Configs.animationEnabledKey)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,14 +125,15 @@ final class Configs: NSObject {

func register() {
let defaults: [String: Any] = [
Configs.apiKey : "",
Configs.darkenKey : 15,
Configs.maxZoomKey : 175,
Configs.durationKey : 15,
Configs.videoEnabledKey : true,
Configs.cameraAppPathKey: "SecurityCamera",
Configs.videoSavePathKey: "~/Movies",
Configs.imageTopicsKey : [
Configs.backgroundEnabledKey: true,
Configs.animationEnabledKey : true,
Configs.darkenKey : 15,
Configs.maxZoomKey : 175,
Configs.durationKey : 15,
Configs.videoEnabledKey : true,
Configs.cameraAppPathKey : "SecurityCamera",
Configs.videoSavePathKey : "~/Movies",
Configs.imageTopicsKey : [
Expand Down
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions DevExcuses/Sources/Constants.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import Cocoa

final class Constants: NSObject {
public static let excuses = [
"I thought you signed off on that.",
"That feature was slated for phase two.",
"That feature would be outside the scope.",
"It must be a hardware problem.",
"It's never shown unexpected behavior like this before.",
"There must be something strange in your data.",
"Well, that's a first.",
"I haven't touched that code in weeks.",
"Oh, you said you DIDN'T want that to happen?",
"That's already fixed. It just hasn't taken effect yet.",
"I couldn't find any library that can even do that.",
"I usually get a notification when that happens.",
"Oh, that was just a temporary fix.",
"It's never done that before.",
"It's a compatibility issue.",
"Everything looks fine on my end.",
"That error means it was successful.",
"I forgot to commit the code that fixes that.",
"You must have done something wrong.",
"That wasn't in the original specification.",
"I haven't had any experience with that before.",
"That's the fault of the graphic designer.",
"I'll have to fix that at a later date.",
"I told you yesterday it would be done by the end of today.",
"I haven't been able to reproduce that.",
"It's just some unlucky coincidence.",
"I thought you signed off on that.",
"That wouldn't be economically feasible.",
"I didn't create that part of the program.",
"It probably won't happen again.",
"Actually, that's a feature.",
"I have too many other high priority things to do right now.",
"Our internet connection must not be working.",
"It's always been like that.",
"What did you type in wrong to get it to crash?",
"I thought I finished that.",
"The request must have dropped some packets.",
"It is working on my computer.",
"It was working yesterday.",
"You are working with the wrong version.",
"The third party application is causing the problem.",
"Right now I am doing the analysis, so I haven't started the work yet.",
"Please raise a defect, I will check it.",
"Try restarting your machine.",
"I don't think there's fault with my code.",
"Someone must have changed my code.",
"I had too many projects so I had to rush that feature.",
"I'm still working on that.",
"That's a character encoding issue.",
"There must have been a miscommunication on the requirements.",
"We weren't given enough time to write unit tests.",
"Our code quality is up to industry standards.",
"That is a known bug with the framework.",
"That feature is a nice to have.",
"Have you cleared your cache?",
"That's been fixed, but the code still has to be released.",
"That's been fixed on another branch.",
"The developer who coded that doesn't work here anymore.",
"That is part of the old system.",
"It was probably a race condition.",
"That is how we were asked to build it.",
"There must be a problem with the virtual machine.",
"We have to do it that way for security reasons.",
"I just need one more day to work on that.",
"That code was written by the last guy.",
"It was such a simple change I didn't think it needed testing.",
"The file must have corrupted.",
"There is nothing in my error logs.",
"That's an industry best practice.",
"It must be an issue with the firewall.",
"It's just a warning, not an error.",
"There's only a one in a million chance of that error occurring.",
"That software should have been updated ages ago.",
"Are you sure you want it to work that way?",
"I'm pretty sure that works most of the time.",
"I was busy fixing more important issues.",
"I'm not familiar with it so I didn't fix it in case I made it worse",
"How is that possible",
"The third party documentation is wrong",
"The project manager told me to do it that way",
"My time was split in a way that meant I couldn't do either project properly",
"The existing design makes it difficult to do the right thing",

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