- Complete the project setup as listed below
- Complete the Excerise
- Email a synopsis of your work and the link to your git repo containing the completed exercise to: [email protected]
- Java
- Selenium
- TestNG
- Any other technologies you see fit.
- Please do not use a BDD framework.
- Clone this project to your git account in a public repo
- Setup the project in your IDE
- Open the index.html file from src/test/resource/files in a browser
- Copy the url from the browser and update the url value in src/test/resource/config.properties to be the copied url.
- In src/test/resources update the config.properties file platform for your OS.
- From command line run mvn clean install -U -DskipTests
- Make sure you can run the DemoTest and chrome launches. You may need to update the chromedriver in /src/test/resources/chromedriver/ to the version that works with your browser https://chromedriver.chromium.org/
We will be evaluating
- Quality of test cases
- Variety of testing types (examples: boundary, happy path, negative, etc)
- Code structure and organization
- Naming conventions
- Code readability
- Code modularity
- Use the site at the index.html
- There are helper locators provided for you in the src/test/resource/files/locators.txt file.
- In the Test Cases section below:
- List all of the test cases you think are necessary to test the sample page
- Note any defects or issues observed
- Code up a few examples of:
- At least one happy path case placing an order
- At least one error case
- When complete please check your code into your public git repo
- Test each dropdown to make sure the calculation works correctly in the quantity and cost fields.
- Pizza Size
- Toppings
- Test the name, email, and phone fields to ensure they accept the correct information type (regex).
- Test the payment information fields to ensure only 1 can be selected.
- Ensure the reset button empties all selections.
- It is possible to order a second topping with only a 1-topping pizza selected (defect)
- Credit Card & Cash on Pickup can both be selected (defect)
- It is still possible to select toppings on a pizza with 0 toppings.