This is a P8X32A/Propeller, P2X8C4M64P/Propeller 2 driver object for SSD1322 OLED displays.
IMPORTANT: This software is meant to be used with the spin-standard-library (P8X32A) or p2-spin-standard-library (P2X8C4M64P). Please install the applicable library first before attempting to use this code, otherwise you will be missing several files required to build the project.
- SPI connection at 20MHz (P1), 20MHz+ (P2)
- Integration with generic graphics library
- Set display contrast
- Set number of displayed lines
- Set starting display line
- Set panel-specific display offset
- Set draw area for subsequent drawing operations
- Enable display mirroring (H, V)
- Enable display power/sleep
- spin-standard-library
- graphics.common.spinh (provided by the spin-standard-library)
- p2-spin-standard-library
- graphics.common.spin2h (provided by the p2-spin-standard-library)
Processor | Language | Compiler | Backend | Status |
P1 | SPIN1 | FlexSpin (6.9.4) | Bytecode | OK |
P1 | SPIN1 | FlexSpin (6.9.4) | Native/PASM | OK |
P2 | SPIN2 | FlexSpin (6.9.4) | NuCode | Runtime issues |
P2 | SPIN2 | FlexSpin (6.9.4) | Native/PASM2 | OK |
(other versions or toolchains not listed are not supported, and may or may not work)
- Tested with Newhaven Display 3.12" 256x64