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Merge pull request #1197 from atsign-foundation/encryption_tests
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fix: added unit tests for self key encryption and shared key encryption
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gkc authored Jan 15, 2024
2 parents accddb6 + 8903462 commit 8393445
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Showing 2 changed files with 298 additions and 0 deletions.
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions packages/at_client/test/self_key_encryption_test.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import 'package:at_chops/at_chops.dart';
import 'package:at_client/src/decryption_service/self_key_decryption.dart';
import 'package:at_client/src/encryption_service/self_key_encryption.dart';
import 'package:at_commons/at_builders.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
import 'package:at_client/at_client.dart';
import 'package:at_lookup/at_lookup.dart';

class MockAtClientImpl extends Mock implements AtClient {}

class MockLocalSecondary extends Mock implements LocalSecondary {}

class MockRemoteSecondary extends Mock implements RemoteSecondary {}

class MockAtLookupImpl extends Mock implements AtLookUp {}

class FakeLocalLookUpVerbBuilder extends Fake implements LLookupVerbBuilder {}

void main() {
AtClient mockAtClient = MockAtClientImpl();
AtLookUp mockAtLookUp = MockAtLookupImpl();
LocalSecondary mockLocalSecondary = MockLocalSecondary();
RemoteSecondary mockRemoteSecondary = MockRemoteSecondary();
setUp(() {
when(() => mockAtClient.getLocalSecondary())
.thenAnswer((_) => mockLocalSecondary);
when(() => mockAtClient.getRemoteSecondary())
.thenAnswer((_) => mockRemoteSecondary);


test('test to check encryption/decryption of self keys', () async {
// This test encrypts a self key value and then checks whether decrypted value is same as original value
// If @alice wants to maintain a location without sharing to anyone then the key-value format will be @alice:location@alice New Jersey
// @alice uses self encryption AES key generated during onboarding process to encrypt the value. Same key is used for decryption
var selfKeyEncryption = SelfKeyEncryption(mockAtClient);
var selfKeyDecryption = SelfKeyDecryption(mockAtClient);
// generate new AES key for the test
var aliceSelfEncryptionKey =
// set atChops
AtChopsKeys atChopsKeys = AtChopsKeys.create(null, null);
atChopsKeys.selfEncryptionKey = AESKey(aliceSelfEncryptionKey);
var atChopsImpl = AtChopsImpl(atChopsKeys);
when(() => mockAtClient.atChops).thenAnswer((_) => atChopsImpl);
when(() => mockLocalSecondary.getEncryptionSelfKey())
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(aliceSelfEncryptionKey));
var selfKey = AtKey()
..sharedBy = '@alice'
..sharedWith = '@bob'
..key = 'location';
var location = 'New Jersey';
var encryptedValue = await selfKeyEncryption.encrypt(selfKey, location);
expect(encryptedValue != location, true);
var decryptionResult =
await selfKeyDecryption.decrypt(selfKey, encryptedValue);
expect(decryptionResult, location);
'test to check self key encryption throws exception when passed value is not string type',
() async {
var selfKeyEncryption = SelfKeyEncryption(mockAtClient);
var selfKey = AtKey()
..sharedBy = '@alice'
..sharedWith = '@bob'
..key = 'location';
var locations = ['new jersey', 'new york'];
() async => await selfKeyEncryption.encrypt(selfKey, locations),
throwsA(predicate((dynamic e) =>
e is AtEncryptionException &&
e.message ==
'Invalid value type found: List<String>. Valid value type is String')));
220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions packages/at_client/test/shared_key_encryption_test.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
import 'package:at_chops/at_chops.dart';
import 'package:at_client/src/decryption_service/shared_key_decryption.dart';
import 'package:at_client/src/encryption_service/shared_key_encryption.dart';
import 'package:at_commons/at_builders.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
import 'package:at_client/at_client.dart';
import 'package:at_lookup/at_lookup.dart';

class MockAtClientImpl extends Mock implements AtClient {}

class MockLocalSecondary extends Mock implements LocalSecondary {}

class MockRemoteSecondary extends Mock implements RemoteSecondary {}

class MockAtLookupImpl extends Mock implements AtLookUp {}

class FakeLocalLookUpVerbBuilder extends Fake implements LLookupVerbBuilder {}

class FakeDeleteVerbBuilder extends Fake implements DeleteVerbBuilder {}

void main() {
AtClient mockAtClient = MockAtClientImpl();
AtLookUp mockAtLookUp = MockAtLookupImpl();
LocalSecondary mockLocalSecondary = MockLocalSecondary();
RemoteSecondary mockRemoteSecondary = MockRemoteSecondary();
setUp(() {
when(() => mockAtClient.getLocalSecondary())
.thenAnswer((_) => mockLocalSecondary);
when(() => mockAtClient.getRemoteSecondary())
.thenAnswer((_) => mockRemoteSecondary);


'test to verify encryption and decryption of a key shared by @alice with @bob - without IV',
() async {
// This test verifies encryption and decryption of a shared key value without using Initialization vector(IV)
// Value of a shared key is encrypted and then test asserts whether decrypted value is same as original value
// If @alice wants to share location value with bob, then key-value format is @bob:location@alice California
// @alice will generate a AES key and will encrypt the location value - California
// The AES key will be encrypted with @bob's public key and stored in @bob:shared_key@alice
// When @bob wants to decrypt the @alice's location, @bob will read the encrypted AES key from @bob:shared_key@alice
// @bob will decrypt the AES key using @bob's private key
// @bob will decrypt the location value - California with AES key

var sharedKeyEncryption = SharedKeyEncryption(mockAtClient);
var bobMockAtClient = MockAtClientImpl();
var bobMockLocalSecondary = MockLocalSecondary();
// set up encryption key pair for @alice. This will be used during encryption process
var aliceEncryptionKeyPair = AtChopsUtil.generateAtEncryptionKeyPair();
var aliceEncryptionPublicKey = aliceEncryptionKeyPair.atPublicKey.publicKey;
// Set up encryption key pair for @bob. This will be used during decryption process
var bobEncryptionKeyPair = AtChopsUtil.generateAtEncryptionKeyPair();
var bobEncryptionPublicKey = bobEncryptionKeyPair.atPublicKey.publicKey;

// Generate the AES for encrypting the location value
var aesSharedKey =
// set atChops for bob
AtChopsKeys bobAtChopsKeys = AtChopsKeys.create(bobEncryptionKeyPair, null);
var bobAtChopsImpl = AtChopsImpl(bobAtChopsKeys);
when(() => bobMockAtClient.atChops).thenAnswer((_) => bobAtChopsImpl);
when(() => bobMockAtClient.getLocalSecondary())
.thenAnswer((_) => bobMockLocalSecondary);
when(() => bobMockAtClient.getCurrentAtSign()).thenReturn('@bob');
when(() => bobMockLocalSecondary.getEncryptionPublicKey('@bob'))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(bobEncryptionPublicKey));
var sharedKeyDecryption = SharedKeyDecryption(bobMockAtClient);

// encrypted AES key @bob:shared_key@alice
var sharedKeyEncryptedWithBobPublicKey =
EncryptionUtil.encryptKey(aesSharedKey, bobEncryptionPublicKey);

// local copy of the AES key that @alice maintains - shared_key.bob@alice
var sharedKeyEncryptedWithAlicePublicKey =
EncryptionUtil.encryptKey(aesSharedKey, aliceEncryptionPublicKey);

var bobPublicKeyCheckSum =
var location = 'California';

// set atChops for alice
AtChopsKeys atChopsKeys = AtChopsKeys.create(aliceEncryptionKeyPair, null);
var atChopsImpl = AtChopsImpl(atChopsKeys);
when(() => mockAtClient.atChops).thenAnswer((_) => atChopsImpl);
when(() => mockAtClient.getCurrentAtSign()).thenReturn('@alice');
when(() => mockLocalSecondary.getEncryptionPublicKey('@alice'))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(aliceEncryptionPublicKey));
when(() => mockLocalSecondary.executeVerb(any<LLookupVerbBuilder>()))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
final builder = invocation.positionalArguments[0] as LLookupVerbBuilder;
final buildKeyValue = builder.buildKey();
if (buildKeyValue == 'shared_key.bob@alice') {
return Future.value('data:$sharedKeyEncryptedWithAlicePublicKey');
} else if (buildKeyValue == 'cached:public:publickey@bob') {
return Future.value('data:$bobEncryptionPublicKey');
} else if (buildKeyValue == '@bob:shared_key@alice') {
return Future.value('data:$sharedKeyEncryptedWithBobPublicKey');
} else {
return Future.value('data:null');
var sharedKey = AtKey()
..sharedBy = '@alice'
..sharedWith = '@bob'
..key = 'location';
sharedKey.metadata = (Metadata()..pubKeyCS = bobPublicKeyCheckSum);
var encryptionResult =
await sharedKeyEncryption.encrypt(sharedKey, location);
expect(encryptionResult != location, true);
var decryptionResult =
await sharedKeyDecryption.decrypt(sharedKey, encryptionResult);
expect(decryptionResult, location);

'test to verify encryption and decryption of a key shared by @alice with @bob - with IV',
() async {
// This test verifies encryption and decryption of a shared key value by using Initialization vector(IV)
// If @alice wants to share location value with bob, then key-value format is @bob:location@alice California
// @alice will generate a AES key and will encrypt the location value - California
// The AES key will be encrypted with @bob's public key and stored in @bob:shared_key@alice
// When @bob wants to decrypt the @alice's location, @bob will read the encrypted AES key from @bob:shared_key@alice
// @bob will decrypt the AES key using @bob's private key
// @bob will decrypt the location value - California with AES key

var sharedKeyEncryption = SharedKeyEncryption(mockAtClient);
var bobMockAtClient = MockAtClientImpl();
var bobMockLocalSecondary = MockLocalSecondary();
// set up encryption key pair for @alice. This will be used during encryption process
var aliceEncryptionKeyPair = AtChopsUtil.generateAtEncryptionKeyPair();
var aliceEncryptionPublicKey = aliceEncryptionKeyPair.atPublicKey.publicKey;
// Set up encryption key pair for @bob. This will be used during decryption process
var bobEncryptionKeyPair = AtChopsUtil.generateAtEncryptionKeyPair();
var bobEncryptionPublicKey = bobEncryptionKeyPair.atPublicKey.publicKey;

// Generate the AES for encrypting the location value
var aesSharedKey =
// set atChops for bob
AtChopsKeys bobAtChopsKeys = AtChopsKeys.create(bobEncryptionKeyPair, null);
var bobAtChopsImpl = AtChopsImpl(bobAtChopsKeys);
when(() => bobMockAtClient.atChops).thenAnswer((_) => bobAtChopsImpl);
when(() => bobMockAtClient.getLocalSecondary())
.thenAnswer((_) => bobMockLocalSecondary);
when(() => bobMockAtClient.getCurrentAtSign()).thenReturn('@bob');
when(() => bobMockLocalSecondary.getEncryptionPublicKey('@bob'))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(bobEncryptionPublicKey));
var sharedKeyDecryption = SharedKeyDecryption(bobMockAtClient);

// encrypted AES key @bob:shared_key@alice
var sharedKeyEncryptedWithBobPublicKey =
EncryptionUtil.encryptKey(aesSharedKey, bobEncryptionPublicKey);

// local copy of the AES key that @alice maintains - shared_key.bob@alice
var sharedKeyEncryptedWithAlicePublicKey =
EncryptionUtil.encryptKey(aesSharedKey, aliceEncryptionPublicKey);

var bobPublicKeyCheckSum =
var location = 'California';

// set atChops for alice
AtChopsKeys atChopsKeys = AtChopsKeys.create(aliceEncryptionKeyPair, null);
var atChopsImpl = AtChopsImpl(atChopsKeys);
when(() => mockAtClient.atChops).thenAnswer((_) => atChopsImpl);
when(() => mockAtClient.getCurrentAtSign()).thenReturn('@alice');
when(() => mockLocalSecondary.getEncryptionPublicKey('@alice'))
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(aliceEncryptionPublicKey));
when(() => mockLocalSecondary.executeVerb(any<LLookupVerbBuilder>()))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
final builder = invocation.positionalArguments[0] as LLookupVerbBuilder;
final buildKeyValue = builder.buildKey();
if (buildKeyValue == 'shared_key.bob@alice') {
return Future.value('data:$sharedKeyEncryptedWithAlicePublicKey');
} else if (buildKeyValue == 'cached:public:publickey@bob') {
return Future.value('data:$bobEncryptionPublicKey');
} else if (buildKeyValue == '@bob:shared_key@alice') {
return Future.value('data:$sharedKeyEncryptedWithBobPublicKey');
} else {
return Future.value('data:null');
var sharedKey = AtKey()
..sharedBy = '@alice'
..sharedWith = '@bob'
..key = 'location';
// random IV string
var ivBase64String = 'YmFzZTY0IGVuY29kaW5n';
sharedKey.metadata = Metadata()
..pubKeyCS = bobPublicKeyCheckSum
..ivNonce = ivBase64String;
var encryptionResult =
await sharedKeyEncryption.encrypt(sharedKey, location);
expect(encryptionResult != location, true);
var decryptionResult =
await sharedKeyDecryption.decrypt(sharedKey, encryptionResult);
expect(decryptionResult, location);
'test to check shared key encryption throws exception when passed value is not string type',
() async {
var sharedKeyEncryption = SharedKeyEncryption(mockAtClient);
var selfKey = AtKey()
..sharedBy = '@alice'
..sharedWith = '@bob'
..key = 'location';
var locations = ['new jersey', 'new york'];
() async => await sharedKeyEncryption.encrypt(selfKey, locations),
throwsA(predicate((dynamic e) =>
e is AtEncryptionException &&
e.message ==
'Invalid value type found: List<String>. Valid value type is String')));

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