😄My name is Akash Suryavanshi. I am currently pursuing my BTech in Electronics Engineering from HBTU Kanpur.
I have had the opportunity to gain some great experience in software development.💬 I learned about full-stack development using MERN, ReactJs, NodeJs, and MongoDB tech stack.
I am also a Data Structures and Algorithms enthusiast. I have a strong passion for algorithmic problem-solving and have a firm grasp of data structures and algorithms.
🌱I have a 3-star rating, a Global best rank of 530 in the CodeChef Starter Contest, and secured a Global Rank of 71 in the CodeChef Long challenge, AIR of 5244 in round F Google Kickstart 2022.
🔭I have also interned as Backend Developer at LIVEASY, using SpringBoot, PSQL, AWS, to build APIs, etc.
I believe in giving back to the community that has helped me grow so much, that's why I have mentored more than 200 sophomores making them aware of different career prospects.
# 📈 Coding Profile: