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Mantis-ML 2.0


We previously introduced Mantis-ML, an automated machine-learning framework able to generalize from a set of known associated genes, identifying disease-gene association levels exome-wide based on publicly available gene annotation data.

We leverage knowledge graphs, coupled with graph neural networks to exploit the latent structure of associations between genes to further identify diesase-gene associations.

Additionally, we employ Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, specifically BioWordVec word embeddings, that identify and incorporate disease-relevant features based on semantic similarity.

Collectively, this has enabled the development of a fully streamlined, automated, and scalable Mantis-ML workflow phenome-wide.

Mantis-ML 2.0 Publication:
"Phenome-wide identification of therapeutic genetic targets, leveraging knowledge graphs, graph neural networks, and UK Biobank data"
Middleton L, Melas I, Vasavda C, Raies A, Rozemberczki B, Dhindsa RS, Dhindsa JS, Weido B, Wang Q, Harper AR, Edwards G, Petrovski S, Vitsios D 📧
Science Advances, 10, eadj1424 (2024). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adj1424


Requirements: Python3.8

It is highly recommended to create a new virtual environment (e.g. with conda) before installing mantis-ml-2:

conda create -n mantis_ml_2 python=3.8          # requires Python 3.8
conda activate mantis_ml_2			# activate the newly created conda environment

mantis-ml-2 can then be installed through the github repository:

git clone THIS_REPO

mantis-ml-2 can then be installed through the following command:

pip install -e .

You may now call the following script from the command line:

  • mantisml2: run the command with -h to see all available options.


Required field:

  • Disease name (-d): (free text), e.g. "diabetes mellitus", "asthma"
  • Output folder (-o): location of output files, including gene-disease predictions

You may find the full list of options herelink to paste -h at later section.


mantisml2 -d "diabetes mellitus" -o mantisml_diabetes_out -m sgcn

mantisml2 Output

mantisml2 predictions for all genes and across all classifiers can be found at [output_dir]/Gene-Predictions.
The AUC_performance_by_Classifier.pdf file under the same dir contains information about the AUC performance per classifier and thus informs about the best performing classifier.

Output figures from all steps during the mantis-ml-2 run (e.g. Exploratory Data Analysis/EDA, supervised-learning, unsupervised-learning) can be found under [output_dir]/Output-Figures.


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DISEASE_NAME       Disease name. [Required]

  -t FEATURES_TABLE     Extra features table to merge with

  -l NULL_IMP           Null imputation method if external features table is given. Can be either zero, or median, or the path to a tsv file specifying the imputation method for each column separately

  -e EXACT_TERMS        Terms to match against using regular expression matching

  -z FUZZY_TERMS        Terms to match against using NLP

  -x EXCLUDE_TERMS      Terms to exclude

  -o OUTPUT_DIR         Output directory name
                        (absolute/relative path e.g. ./CKD, /tmp/Epilepsy-testing, etc.)
                        If it doesn't exist it will automatically be created [Required]

  -r {all,pre,boruta,pu,post,post_unsup}
                        Specify type of analysis to run (default: all)

  -f, --fast            Fast training using only 4 classifiers: Extra Trees, Random Forest, SVC and Gradient Boosting.
                        By default, mantis-ml uses 6 supervised models for training: Extra Trees, Random Forest, SVC, Gradient Boosting, XGBoost and Deep Neural Net.

  -m SUPERV_MODELS      Explicitly specify which supervised models to be used for training. This overrides the '-f/--fast' option.
                        - Options:
                         et: Extra Trees
                         rf: Random Forest
                         gb: Gradient Boosting
                         xgb: XGBoost
                         svc: Support Vector Classifier
                         dnn: Deep Neural Net
                         stack: Stacking classifier

                        Multiple models may be specified using a ',' separator, e.g. -m et,rf,stack
                        When this option is not specified, 6 models are trained by default with mantis-ml: Extra Trees, Random Forest, SVC, Gradient Boosting, XGBoost and Deep Neural Net.

  -k KNOWN_GENES_FILE   File with custom list of known genes used for training (new-line separated)

  -n NTHREADS           Number of threads (default: 4)

  -i ITERATIONS         Number of stochastic iterations for semi-supervised learning (default: 10)

  -g SEED_GENES_SOURCE  Resource to extract the seed genes from. either HPO, OT, or GEL (default: HPO)

  --practise_run        Specifies whether to run on a subset of 5 stochastic partitions (default: use all partitions)

  --n_epochs N_EPOCHS   Number of epochs to train the GCN/DNN for (default: 200)

  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        Learning rate for DNN/GCN (default: 0.01)

  --n_filters N_FILTERS
                        Number of filters for the GCN (default: 16)

  --n_layers N_LAYERS   Number of hidden layers for the GCN or power of adjacency matrix in SGCN (1 recommended for GCN) (default: 2)

  --dropout_ratio DROPOUT_RATIO
                        Dropout ratio for the GCN (default: 0.5)

  --bikg_net BIKG_NET   Network to use with the GCN - InWeb used if none provided otherwise (default: None)

  --no_nlp              Optionally remove NLP and revert to string matching

  --shuffle_features    Can use shuffled features (must be already generated)

  --SGCN_one_max        Whether to ensure the maximum of all adjacency variables is 1 for SGCN (default: False)

  --SGCN_summation      Whether to aggregate by mean or summation (default: mean)

  --SGCN_C SGCN_C       Regularisation parameter for SGCN - smaller the stronger the regularisation (default: 1)

Common installation issues

As mantis-ml-2 depends on BioWordVec embeddings, it can be cleaner to download the embedding file before running installation, as oppose to the default that downloads the file on the initial run of mantis-ml-2. As such, before running python install we must first download an additional file used as part of the NLP module. This can be performed through

mkdir mantis_ml/data/bioword2vec_embeddings
wget -O mantis_ml/data/bioword2vec_embeddings/bio_embedding_intrinsic

Installation may then proceed through running python install in the repo root folder.


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